


中国的十二生肖是根据农历计算的。在阴历中,每年中国春节的日期都会变化。十二生肖(Chinese zodiac signs)由十二种动物组成,每一年有一个不同的动物来代表。

Chinese horoscopes are based on the Chinese lunar calendar. Chinese New Year’s Day changes every yePVMiDRIyar in the western calendar. There are 12 zodiac signs represewww.58yuanyou.comnted by animals, and every year there is a different one. After twelve years, the cycle repeats itself.

“生肖”的英文可以说“animal sign”,“zodiac sign”。如果要问别人生肖的话,可以说:

What’s your Chinese animal sign?


What’s your Chinese zodiac sign?


I wa原由网s born in the year of the(动物).

“生肖”也可以说成“birth sign”,表示出生时所对应的animal sign。所以,“本命年”的英文是the year of one’s birth sign,例如:


2021 is the year of my birth sign.


原由网达中国“生肖年”的地道英语结构是:year of the +某生肖的英文。顺便把12生肖年的英文都罗列在这里:

  1. Year of the Rat 鼠年
  2. Year of the Ox 牛年
  3. Year of the Tiger 虎年
  4. Year of the Rabbit 兔年
  5. Year of the Dragon 龙年
  6. Year of the Snake 蛇年
  7. Year of the Horse 马年
  8. Year of the Goat 羊年
  9. Year of the Monkey 猴年
  10. Year of the Rooster 鸡年
  11. Yeawww.58yuanyou.comr of the Dog 狗年
  12. Year of the Pig 猪年


2022年是 虎年(Year of the Tiger),盘点下与 tiger 有关的英语表达吧~

  • paper tiger 纸老虎,外强中干的家伙

  • work like a tiger 生龙活虎地工作

  • three cheers and a tiger 三声欢呼一声吼

  • How can you catch tiger cubs without entering the tiger’s lair? 不入虎穴, 焉得虎子?

  • buck the tiger 打庄;玩纸牌;专跟庄家赌博

  • tiger sweat 威士忌

  • have a tiger by the tail/ He who rides a tiger is afraid to dismount. 骑虎难下

  • a strategic fortress as if guarded by a tiger and a dragon 虎踞龙

  • Sitting on a hill watching tigers fight 坐山观虎斗

  • A goat in tiger’s skin 羊质虎皮

  • Three people make a tiger. 三人成虎

  • A new-born calf has no fear of the tiger. 初生牛犊不怕虎。

  • drive a tiger out from the front door while a wolf comes in the back 前门拒虎,后门进狼。

  • like a tiger with wings 如虎添翼

  • to lure the tiger form the mountain 调虎离山



文章标题: 在2022年的春天用英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/322166.html
