in despite of造句

「in spite of」&「despite」到底用哪个?

in despite of造句

本文投稿作者 七姑娘

作为介词的”in spite of”和”desp原由网ite”意义大体相同,通常无论使用其中哪一个都不会改变文章宗旨。


“in spite of”和“despite”两者的主要意思大体等同于日语中的“虽然……但是……”。

与”despite”代表了“与……无关”这一略显消极的语意相对,”in spite of”的语气更为强烈,包含了“与……相反”这般更积极的语意。其间差异请参考下面的例句。

(1) Despite the risk, I would like to proceed with the plan.

(2) In spite of his parents’ warning, the child continued to play with the toy.

另外,关于”despite”的用法还需要注意的是,偶尔会出现将”despite”与”in spite of”混淆写成”despite of”的情况,这是一原由网个语法错误。


化学论文中”in spite of”和”despite”的使用例

in spite of

  1. Gratifyingly, anisidine 2e was successfully employe原由网d for the three-component coupling reaction in spite of its limited nucleophilicity. DOI; 10.1002/anie.201206082

  2. In both cases, high levels of selectivity are observed for CF3 and CF2H radical addition, in spite of the multiple potentially reactive sites. DOI: 10.1021/ja211422g

  3. In spite of x-ray studies that have focused attention on the seven-Fe cluster in Fe/Mo nitrogenase as the site of N2 reduction, we believe that reduction of N2 in Fe/Mo nitrogenase at the single Mo center, favored before the structure of Fe/Mo nitrogenase was eluci- dated through x-ray studies, again must be considered a strong possibility. DOI: 10.1126/science.1085326

  4. Until very recently, to the best of our knowledge, only the chiral complex 35 was reported in literature for the intermolecular amination of C–H bonds in spite of the potential application of chiral amines as pharmaceuticals. DOI: 10.1039/c4cc03016h




in despite of造句


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