connct with造句

connct with造句


------ 胰腺之二

图/文 余小舫

1,Acute pancreatitis is the most terrible of all the calamities that occur in connection with the abdominal viscera.

----- Berkeley Moynihan, 1865-1936


2,It is fascinating to conjecture how an inflammatory process in a retroperitoneal gland can produce abnormalities in so many other organs.

------ Reginald Fritz,1843-1913



3,The most common errors in the surgical treatment of acute pancreatitis are to operate too early in the course of the disease, and to do too much, or in the secondary or septic phase of the disease, to operate too late and to do too little.

-----Kenneth W. Warren, 1911-2001



4,Acute necrotizing pancreatitis: during the early phases of the disease "our patience will achieve more than our force" (Edmund Burke. 1820-1895); later on . when called to operate on necrotic and infected complications, remember that "patience and diligence, like faith,// remove mountains" (William Penn)

----- Moshe Schein


5,Do not treat severe acute pancreatitis with daily CT scans.

---- Sai Sajja



6,White wine causes pancreatitis. Red wine, cirrhosis.

-----Maurice Mercadier, 1917-2002



7,Whether you will develop severe pancreatitis or not depends on the quality www.58yuanyou.comof what you drink and the amount of zakuski you consume.

-----A Russian surgeon



8,For pancreatic trauma: treat the pancreas like a crawfish, suck the head ... eat the tail.

----- Timothy Fabian



9,Ductal adenocarcinoma of the pancreas is an incurable dis//www.58yuanyou.comease.

-----Michael Trede,1928-2019


10,The potential for a surgical cure is too often thwarted by our inability to reliably diagnose PDAC at its earliest stages.

----- Jan Mikulicz-Radecki (1850-1905):


11,Surgeons operating on pancreatic cancer today can be classified into three groups: the ‘aggressive-radical' surgeon who will always attempt major extirpative procedures with resection of major vessels and vascular reconstruction; the 'nihilist-timidWezbRd' surgeon who avoid getting involved in complex time-consuming risky procedures; and the 'rational' surgeon who will tailor the operation to the stage of the disease, and the patient's general condition and ability to tolerate the operation.

-----Jackie T. Tracey & Abdool R. Moosa



文章标题: connct with造句

