not in the least 造句

E26| Gwen陪你读英文原版书《玛蒂尔达》


not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句



读 Matilda 第二十六周,Matilda来到了Miss Honey 简陋的客厅,被眼前的一切惊呆了,平时打扮的精致整齐的老师居然住在这样的房子里。Miss Honey身上到底有怎样的秘密呢?

not in the least 造句



The room was as small and square and bare as a prison cell. The pale daylight that entered came from a single tiny window in the front wall, but there were no curtains. The only objects in the entire room were two uptu原由网rned wooden boxes to serve as chairs and a third box between them for a table. That was all. There were no pictures on the walls, no carpet on the floor, only rough unpolished wooden planks, and there were gaps between the planks where dust and 原由网bits of grime (积垢)had gathered. The ceiling was so low that with a jump Matilda could nearly touch it with her finger-tips. The walls were white but the whiteness didn't look like paint. Matilda rubbed her palm against it and a white powder came off on to her skin. It was whitewash, the cheap stuff that is used in cowsheds and stables and hen-houses.


这段把Miss honey家简陋的客厅呈现在了读者眼前。其中一句我们都可以用到平时的英语表达中。比如:

The ceiling was so low that with a jump Mawww.58yuanyou.comtilda could nearly touch it with her finger-tips. 天花板低得轻轻一跳就能够到。


You put that cup so low that with a jump kid could nearly touch it. It's dangerous. 你把茶杯放在那么低的地方,孩子一跳就能够到,太危险了。



原句:She also found half a small loaf of brown bread.

词链:a loaf of bread 一条面包

造句: Could you pass me a loaf of bread? 你可以递给我一条面包吗?

not in the least 造句


原句:I have a good old tuck-in at the school lunch and that keeps me going until the next morning."

词链1:have a good tuck-in 吃了丰盛的一餐

造句: I had a good at my grandma's home. 我在奶奶家饱餐了一顿。

not in the least 造句

词链2:keep XX going 让XX坚持到...

造句:I am in no mood to keep myself going. 我没心情坚持下去了。


原句 Matilda perched herself carefully onan upturned box and more out of politeness than anything elseshe took a slice of bread and margarine and started to eat it.

词链1:perch oneself on XX 坐在XX

造句:She perched herself on the edge of the bed. 她坐在床沿上。

解析:perch本意是栖息,想想鸟栖息在树上的样子,离地面很高,当形容离地面很高地坐着,就可以用perch,下面这种很高的椅子就叫做 perch stool。

not in the least 造句

词链2:more out of XX than anything else 仅仅出于 XX

造句:I did that more out of love than anything else. 我那么做仅仅出于爱。


原句: At home she would have been having buttered toast and strawberry jam and probably a piece of sponge-cake to round it off.

词链:round(XX)off 完美落幕; 圆满完成

造句: He round off the test. 他圆满完成考试。


原句: And yet this was somehow far more fun.

词链:far + 比较级 XX得多

造句: That shirt is far more expensive. 那件衬衫可贵得多了。


原句:She appeared to be not in the leastill at easesitting on an upturned box in a bare room and drinking tea out of a mug that she balanced on her knee.

词链1:not in the least 一点也不;丝毫不

造句:He is not in the least ashamed of smoking in public. 他当众抽烟居然一点都不羞愧。

词链2:ill at ease 不安的;局促不安的

造句:I felt ill at ease in such a short skirt. 我穿这么短的裙子不得劲。


原句:cut two thin slices and then, from a plastic container, she took some margarine(人造黄油) and spread it on the bread.

词链:spread XX on XX 在XX上涂抹XX

造句:I spread cream on my face everyday. 我每天都涂面霜。

not in the least 造句


原句:"nobody else in the history of the world has been able to compel an object to move withou原由网t touching it or blowing on it or using any outside helpat all."

词链:outside help 外界帮助

造句: You need to round it off without any outside help. 你应该独立完成。





词链提示:not in the least



词链提示:ill at ease



词链提示:round off

not in the least 造句

not in the least 造句






文章标题: not in the least 造句

