

1. 这是一次性筷子,不能重复使用。

These are disposable chopsticks. They are not reusable.

2. 一次性筷子基本上在所有餐厅都能找到。

Disposable chopsticks are readily available at allVOfmrGLxyh restaurants.


3. 把它们掰开。

Snap them apart.

4. 如果有毛刺的话,把筷子放在一起上下磨一磨,去掉毛刺。

I原由网f you see any splinters, you can ru原由网b the chopsticks against each other, up and down, to remove the splinters.原由网


5. 把一根筷子放在拇指和食指的弧口处。

Place the bottom chopstick in the valley between your thumb and index finger.

6. 握住另外一根筷子,就像你要握铅笔那样。

Hold the top chopstick sort of like you would a pencil.


7. 使用筷子的关键是要保持底部的筷子不动,然后同时通过移动上面的筷子来夹起东西。

The key to managing chopsticks is to keep the bottom chopstick in position while moving the top one to pick up things.

8. 你的手离筷子下端太近了。往上端移一下。

Your hand is too clowww.58yuanyou.comse to the narrower end. Move your hand up toward the thicker end.

9. 坚持练习用筷子将东西夹住,放开。很快地你就能掌握技巧了。熟能生巧。

Just keep practicing squeezing and releasing the chopsticks and soon you’ll get the hang of it. Practice makes perfect.


文章标题: 用disposable造句子

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/64164.html
