蔓延 造句

E21| Gwen陪你读英文原版书《玛蒂尔达》


蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句



读 Matilda 第二十一周,Lavender的小 trick 终于奏效了。看着是真真儿的解气。让人着急的是,Matilda无辜躺枪。好在没吃大亏。我们赶紧来看看今天的内容吧。

蔓延 造句



The Trunchbull was sitting behind the teacher's table staring with a mixture of horror and fascination at the newt wriggling in the glass. Matilda's eyes were also riveted on the glass. And now, quite slowly, there began to creep over Matilda a most extraordinary and peculiar feeling. The feeling was mostly in the eyes. A kind of electricity seemed to be gathering inside them. A sense of power was brewing (酝酿)in those eyes of hers, a feeling of great strength was settling itself deep inside her eyes.But there was also another feeling which was something else altogether, and which she could not understand. It was like flashes of lightning. Little waves of lightning see//www.58yuanyou.commed to be flashing out of her eyes. Her eyeballs were beginning to get hot, as though vast energy was building up somewhere inside them. It was an amazing sensation. She kept her eyes steadily on the glass, and now the power was concentrating itself in one small part of each eye and growing stronger and stronger and it felt as though millions of tiny little invisible arms with hands on them were shooting out of her eyes towards the glass she was staring at.

"Tip it!" Matilda whispered. "Tip it over!"

She saw the glass wobble. It actually tilted backwards a fraction of an inch, then righted itself again. She kept pushing at it with all those millions of invisible little arms and hands that were reaching out from her eyes, feeling the power that was flashing straight from the two little black dots in the very centres of her eyeballs.

"Tip it!" she whispered again. "Tip it over!"

Once more the glass wobbled. She pushed harder still, willing her eyes to shoot out more power. And then, very very slowly, so slowly she could hardly see it happening, the glass began to lean backwards, farther and farther and farther backwards until it was balancing on just one edge of its base. And there it teetered (摇晃)for a few seconds before finally toppling over and falling with a sharp tinkle on to the desk-top. The water in it and the squirming newt splashed out all over Miss Trunchbull's enormous bosom. The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket. The newt clutched desperately at the cotton smock where it covered the great chest and there it clung with its little claw-like feet. The Trunchbull looked down and saw it and she bellowed even louder and with a swipe of her hand she sent the creature flying across the class-room. It landed on the floor beside Lavender's desk and very quickly she ducked down and picked it up and put it into her pencil-box for another time. A newt, she decided, was a useful//www.58yuanyou.com thing to have around.


这段 Matilda ''用意念''把装满newt的杯子推倒的描写真的很精彩,全篇没有一个大词,却让读者身临其境,仿佛推倒杯子的“能量波”是从读者自己的眼睛射出来的一般。


A sense of power was brewing(酝酿)in those eyes of hers, a feeling of great strength was settling itself deep inside her eyes.

这句话用一个'' brew'' , 和 '' settling itself deep inside'' 把那种能量在眼睛深处聚集的感觉描绘得淋漓尽致。通过这句,小编永远记住了一个单词: brew, 并且还可以很灵活的运用,比如:

Some awkward atmosphere is brewing in the room. 尴尬的气氛在屋子里蔓延(发酵)。


The headmistress let out a yell that must have rattled every window-pane in the building and for the second time in the last five minutes she shot out of her chair like a rocket.


Could you lower your voice? Every window-pane in this building have rattled. 你能小点声吗?整个楼的窗玻璃都震了。(加上窗玻璃的比喻,表达显得有文采,不单调。)

What made you shoot out of your chair like a rocket? 你怎么像个火箭似的从凳子上窜起来了,怎么了?(这个比喻中文里经常说,用英语,你会吗?)



原句:They s//www.58yuanyou.comhould be got rid ofas early as possible. We get rid offlies with fly-spray and by hanging up fly-paper. I have often thought of inventing a spray for getting rid ofsmall children.

词链:get rid of 摆脱

造句:Get rid of your gum. 把你的口香糖吐了。


原句:How splendid it would be to walk into this classroom with a gigantic spray-gun in my hands and start pumping it.

词链:how splendid it would be to XX 要是XX该多好

造句:How splendid it would be to watch the game on the scene. 要是能现场看比赛该多好。


原句 She was especially furious(狂怒) that someone had succeeded in making her jump and yell like that because she prided herself on her toughness.

词链:pride oneself on XX 以XX自居

造句:I pride myself on my beautiful skin. 我以皮肤好自居。


原句: Or better still, some huge strips of sticky paper. I would hang them all round the school and you'd all get stuck tothem and that would be the end of it.

词链1:or better still XX也可以;XX更好

造句:I want an egg for breakfast, or better still, some milk. 我早餐想吃个鸡蛋,喝点牛奶也行。

词链2:get stuck to XX 被粘在XX上

造句:My hands got stuck to each other. 我的两只手粘在一起了。


原句:"Look out, Miss Trunchbull!" cried Lavender. " I'll bet it bites!"

词链: I'll bet XX 我敢说XX

造句:I'll bet you've cheated on her. 我敢说你肯定骗她了。


原句:The woman's mad, Miss Honey was telling herself. She's round the twist. She's the one who ought to be got rid of.

词链:be round the twist 发疯

造句:She's been round the twist ever since she broke up with him. 跟他分手之后她就疯疯癫癫的。

同类词链:go round the bend 发疯(第19周的时候我们也学过相似的一个词链)

造句:The crazy song made me go round the bend. 那首歌让我发疯。

蔓延 造句


原句:The Trunchbull let out a yelland leapt offher chair as though a firecracker had gone off underneath her.

词链1:let out XX 突然(发出XX)

造句:I couldn't help to let out a cry. 我忍不住痛哭失声。

蔓延 造句

词链2:leap off XX 从XX跳起来

造句:I leapt off my chair as though the chair was hot. 我从椅子上跳起来就像椅子烫屁股一样。

蔓延 造句


原句:Natural history was not her strong point. She hadn't the faintest ideawhat this thing was.

词链1:strong point 强项

造句:Chinese is my strong point. 语文是我的强项。

词链2:not have the faintest (idea) 完全不知道

造句:I don't have the faintest idea what you said. 我完全不知道你说啥了。


原句:On the other hand, she was certainly not about to own up.

词链: own up(to XX)承认(XX)

造句:He was wrong, but at least he owned up to it. But you said nothing. 他是错了,但至少他承认了。你却什么都不说。


原句:"You are not fit to be in this school! You ought to be behind bars, that's where you ought to be! I shall have you drummed out ofthis establishment in utter disgrace!

词链1:be behind bars 蹲班房;被监禁;坐牢

造句:You'll be behind bars for the rest of your life if you did this. 你要是这么做了就得蹲一辈子监狱。

蔓延 造句

词链2: have XX drummed out of XX 把XX驱逐出XX

造句: He was drummed out of the army. 他被军队除名了。

词链3:XX in utter disgrace 非常不体面地XX

造句:He call me names in utter disgrace. 他骂我骂的很难听。


原句:But she was not the only one who was losing her cool. Matilda was also beginning to see red.

词链1:lose one's cool 失控;发火

造句:Not another word, kid! I'm losing my cool. 别说了!我要发火了。

词链2:see red 大发脾气;大怒

造句:Mom's beginning to see red. 妈妈要发火了。

蔓延 造句


原句:By golly, she thought, that rotten Trunchbull isn't going to pin this one on me!

词链:pin XX on XX 冤枉XX做了XX

造句:I didn't steal it. You're not going原由网 to pin this on me! 我没偷,别想冤枉我。


原句:"You are finished everywhere. I shall personally see toit that you are put away in a place where not even the crows can land their droppingson you!

词链1:personally see to XX 亲自负责

造句:I'll personally see to your study. 我会亲自负责你的学习。

词链2:a place where not even the crows can land their droppings 鸟不拉屎的地方

造句:That country is no longer the place where not even the crows can land their droppings in your mind. 那个国家再也不是印象中那个鸟不拉屎的地方了。


原句:And now, quite slowly, there began to creep over Matilda//www.58yuanyou.com a most extraordinary and peculiar feeling.

词链:creep over XX (一种XX感觉;想法)涌上心头;泛起XX;爬上;在XX蔓延

造句:A faint blush was creeping over his face. 他的脸泛起红晕。


原句:A newt, she decided, was a useful thing to have around.

词链:have XX around 身边带着XX

造句:I always have a book around when I travel. 我旅行的时候都会带本书在身边。


原句:The Trunchbull was in such a rage that her face had taken on a boiled colour and little flecks of froth were gathering at the corners of her mouth.

词链:be in such a rage that one's face had taken on a boiled colour 气的脸红

造句:I was in such a rage that my face had taken on a boiled colour when I caught him cheating. 我当场抓住他出轨,气的我脸都红了。

蔓延 造句


原句:"I am telling you to shut up!" the Trunchbull roared. "If you don't shut up at once and sit down I shall remove my belt and let you have it with the end that has the buckle!"

词链:remove one's belt and let XX have it with the end that has the buckle. 皮鞭炖肉 (用有卡扣的那边打,小时候挨过揍的人一定要记住这句话,哈哈)

造句:If I fail in this exam my mom would remove her belt and let me have it with the end that had the buckle.





词链提示:lose one's cool



词链提示:pride oneself on XX



词链提示:get rid of XX

蔓延 造句

蔓延 造句






文章标题: 蔓延 造句

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/336486.html
