
~Holiday & sport culture from around the world~


We all know the Fourth of July as the USA's political Independence Day but it also marks a huge cultural holiday, too.


Besides fireworks and BBQs, one of the most well-known events on July 4 every year is the famed International Hot Dog Eating Conteston Coney Island in Brooklyn, New York, sponsored by Nathan's Famous Hot Dogs.

除了烟火和烧烤,每年的七月四日这一天的著名赛事——国际吃热狗大赛,在纽约布鲁克林的康尼岛上举行,由美国传统的连锁热狗店Nathan’s Famous 赞助。


Legend says, the first one was held in 1916 by a group of four immigrants who wanted to find out who was the most "patriotic"... It is said to have been won by Jim Mullen, who ate 13 hot dogs in ten minutes.

这项赛事起源于1916年,四个移民以“谁能在短时间里吃掉最多的热狗”来选出最爱国的人,最后一个名叫Jim Mullen 的人赢得了比赛原由网,他在十分钟内吃掉了13个热狗。


This year's contest is the 102nd anniversary, so we can be sure it will be a huge event!


The current world record is held by Joey "Jaws" Chestnut who ate a whopping 72 hot dogs in under 10 minutes last year.

目前世界纪录的保持者是Joey "Jaws" Chestnut,10分钟内吃掉了72个热狗。

The world of competitive eating is no joke 有关吃的竞技世界是认真的

The International Federation of Competitive Eating (IFOCE) has sanctioned the event since 1997. Today, only entrants currently under contract by the IFOCE can compete in the contest.



The competitors stand on a raised platform behind a long table with drinks and Nathan's Famous hot dogs in buns. Most contestants have water on hand, but other kinds of drinks can and have been used. Condiments are allowed, but are usually not used.

参赛者们站在长桌子后面搭起的台上,桌子上有Nathan’s Famous提供的面包夹热狗,大部分选手都会拿着水,边吃边喝,也有一些其他的饮料可以选择。调料也可以加,但一般不会用到。

The hot dogs are allowed to cool slightly after grilling to prevent possible mouth burns. The contestant that consumes (and keeps down) the most hot dogs and buns (HDB) in ten minu//www.58yuanyou.comtes is declared the winner.



Spectators watch and cheer the eaters on from close proximity. A designated scorekeeper is paired with each contestant, flipping a number board counting each hot dog consumed.


Partially eaten hot dogs count and the granularity of measurement is eighths of a length. Hot dogs still in the mouth at the end of regulation count if they are subsequently swallowed. Yellow penalty cards can be issued for "messy eating," and red penalty cards can be issued for "reversal of fortune", which results in disqualification.



If there's a tie the contestants go to a 5-hot-dog eat-off to see who can eat that many quickly. Further ties will result in a sudden-death eat-off of eating 1 more hot dog the fastest.


After the winner is declared, a plate showing the number of hot dogs eaten by the winner is brought out for photo opportunities.



ESPN has long enjoyed solid ratings from its broadcas原由网t of the Hot Dog Eating Contest on July Fourth, and on July 1, 2014 the network announced it had extended its agreement with Major League Eating and will broadcast the contest through 2024.


The event continues to be recognized for its power as a marketing tool. So if you have ESPN, be sure to watch this year's contest!


They've got referees, color commentators, even cheerleaders! Have a look below at the contest from 2015:




Somehow, I still feel hungry for a hot dog... how many do you think I could eat?


~Thanks to Daria for the excellent Chinese translawww.58yuanyou.comtion~

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文章标题: 我还没吃过热狗用英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/9642.html
