


1.Topic Outline

Topic outline 就意味着你的每一段你都有一个小标题,比如你是要写是否教育机构还是应该在疫情期间里开放,你的 ou原由网tline可能如下:

Main idea: Schools reopen and allow in-person teaching

Supporting idea 1: Vaccine is here

Supporting 原由网idea原由网 2: In-person learning is most effective

Supporting idea 3: Many precautions can be taken for safety

Conclusion: Schools should open for in-person education again

2. Sentence Outline

Sentence outline就意味这你会用一个完整句子来表达你的意思,比如还是同一个话题教育机构是否在疫情期间开放问题,如果使用sentence outline就应该如下:

Main idea: Schools should reopen in 2021 to allow for in-person teaching.

Supporting idea 1: It is time for schoolseBXythsib to reopen as vaccines are here and everyone who goes to school cwww.58yuanyou.coman get one to be sure everyone is safe.

Supporting idea 2: In-person teaching is more effective than online teaching so if schools reopen students are likely to catch up on any learning loss that might have occurred.

Supporting idea 3: We understand more how Covid19 is spread and schools can prepare and take all the precautions needed to make sure the environment is safe for students to go back to classes.

Conclusion: It is safe and time for schools to open for in-person education again.

如果你还有证据或者解释或者是一些sub-topics在每一个supporting idea下面,那么加上编号,这样可以很容易的去理解并且在写完整论文时节约时间。



文章标题: 论文的outline怎么写

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/179168.html
