


中文里,“食”指“亏损,缺”,对应的英文单词为eclipse, 比如日食: solar eclipse;月食: lunar eclipse;全食:原由网 total eclipse;偏食: partial eclipse。

这次的天文现象是月全食+超级满月+超级月亮+蓝月+血月的结合,叫“超级蓝血月”,英文叫:Super Blue Blood Moon.


In eclipse

eclipse这个词很值得玩味,它除了专门表示“日食、月食”的意思之外,还可以指地位下降、失www.58yuanyou.com势。常见搭配为in eclipse。

eg. Her work was in eclipse for most of the 20th century. 20世纪,她的作品影响力下降了。


在某些方面,英文和古汉语一样,为使句子更加形象、生动,经常名词动用,比如eclipse, 作动词时表示“遮住...的光”,进一步引申为“使相形见绌,使黯然失色”。

比如,On some level, this isn't a surprise. Last year, mobile game revenue eclipsedboth console and PC gaming for the first time.(在某些层面上,这并不令人惊讶。去年,手机游戏收入首次超过了电视游戏(游戏机)和电脑游戏。




For those in the Middle East, Asia, eastern Russia, Australia and New Zealand, the "super blue blood moon" can be seenduring moonrise in the evening of Wednesday.

For people living in North America, Alaska, or Hawaii, the eclipsewill be visiblebefore sunrise.

新华网分别用了can be seen, will be visible来表示,用词比较生硬、直白,而《经济学人》的用词则生动、委婉了很多:

At 10.20, when the eclipse castsCalifornia into its deepest shadow, the state’s solar-power production will dip by about 5.6GW before ramping up again as the sun re-emerges.

——2017.8.19 The eclipse is a test of solar power in America

In 2035 a great swathe of humanity will be able to watchan eclipse that putsBeijing, Pyongyang and much of northern Japan in the shade.

——2017.8.17 If you want to see less of the sun, become an Australian

On July 22nd the moon's shadow fell acrossChina's industrial heartland in the longest total solar eclipse the 21st century will witness.

——2009.7.23 The solar eclipse in China

分别用了cast...into its shawww.58yuanyou.comdow, put...in the shade, its shadow falls across...这三种不同的表达。和新华网报道的不同之处在于,新华网叙述的是人与物(日/月食)之间的关系,再加状语以表明地点,比较生硬、直白;而《经济学人》勾勒的则是物(日/月食)与物(地点)之间的关系,把“人”放到一边,更能凸显描述对象,从而营造出一种沐浴在自然中而忘我的境界。

当整个朋友圈都在刷"a Blue Moon is now visible/being seen all over the world"时,你的一句"a Blue Moon is putting the world in the shade"则成了朋友圈的一股清流。

或者你可以说:In for a rare treat!底部再po一张月食的照片。这个表达来自NASA 1月30号的网站,原话是这么说的:

Skywatchers are in for a rare treattomorrow (Jan. 31): a Blue Moon, a total lunar eclipse and a superm原由网oon all at the same time!

be in for是一个非常地道的小词,和experience是同义,表示“经历”,rare treat指的就是这次152年一遇的超级蓝血月。

文章来源: 经济学人双语精读



文章标题: 红月的英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/149356.html
