
1. Today’s teen fiction is relentlesslydystopian, but the gap between fantasy and reality is often narrower than you might think.

relentlessly: continuing in a determined way without any interruption 不停地,持续不断地

例句:She always questioned me relentlessly.她总是没完没了地问我问题。

2. The older generation may notresort to outright murderbut, as our special report this week on millennials describes, in important ways they hold their juniors down.

resort to sth


•I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money.为了拿到我的钱,我被迫诉诸暴力/采取威胁的手段。

be your last resort


•You have to help me - you're my last resort.你一定要帮我——你是我最后的希望了。

3.They are richer than any previous generation, and live in a world without smallpoxor Mao Zedong.

smallpox:a serious infectious disease (now extremely rare) that causes fever, leaves permanent marks on the skin and often causes death 天花

4.Around the world, young people gripethat it is too hard to find a job and a place to live, and that the path to adulthood has grown longer and more complicated.

gripe:to complain about somebody/something in an annoying way 抱怨,发牢骚例句:He's always griping about the people at work.他老是抱怨共事的人。

5. Many of their woescan be blamed on policies favouring the old over the young.

woes: big problems or troubles 困难;灾难;不幸

例句:The country has been beset by economic woes for the past decade.过去十年来这个国家一直受到经济困难的困扰。

6.Consider employment. In many countries, labour laws require firms to offercopiousbenefits and make it hard to lay workers off.

7. That suits those with jobs, who tend to be older, but it makes firms

copious:in large amounts, or more than enough 大量的,丰富的;过量的

例句:He took copious notes during the lecture.他上课时作了大量笔记。

8.The early years of any career are the worst time to be idle, because these are when the work habits of a lifetime become ingrained.

Ingrained(of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change (观念)根深蒂固的

•Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.如此根深蒂固的偏见是不容易纠正的。

9.This is unprecedented and unjust—the old are much richer.

Unprecedentednever having happened or existed in the past 史无前例的,空前的;绝无仅有的

•This century has witnessed environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale.环境在本世纪遭到了空前的破坏。

10. If their skills are not developed, they will be less productivethan they could be.

Productive这个形容词带有一定的“起生产作用”的主动意义,所以“生产力”是productive force原由网s,但“生产关系”不能是 *productive relations(它的“生产”不是“起生产作用”),而应该是relations of production。

11. Countries such as India that are counting on a demographic dividend from their large populations of young adults will find that it fails to materialise.

count on sbto be confident that you can depend on someone 依靠(某人);指望(某人)

•You can always count on Michael in a crisis.在危急关头你总能依靠迈克尔。

12. Countries with lots of jobless, disaffected young men tend to be more violent and unstable, as millions of refugees from the Middle East and Africa canattest.

Attest:to show something or to say or prove that something is true 表明;证明;证实

•Thousands of people came out onto原由网 the streets to attest their support for the democratic opposition party.数以千计的人走到街上,声援主张民主的反对党。

13.Teenagers are growing more anxious and depressed Could they hold theculpritin their hands?

culprit:the reason for a particular problem or difficulty 元凶

例句:High production costs are the main culprit.高生产成本是最大的元凶。

14.Psychologists are striving to understand whether this increase merely coincides with the rise of social media, or whether something causativeis happening.

causative: acting as the cause of somethi//www.58yuanyou.comng 成为原因的,引起...的

例句:Somking is a causative factor in several major diseases.吸烟是几大疾病的致因。

15.There may be plenty of analoguereasons for it.

analogue: similar 类似的

例句:Carbon paper, to the extent that it may have a desire for self-preservation, may also take comfort in the fact that, for all that this is a digital age, many analogue products are hanging on, and even making comebacks. 就自我保存的渴望程度来说,复写纸或许也会对以下事实感到宽慰:尽管这是一个数字时代,许多类似于复写纸的产品依旧存活着,甚至还有东山再起的迹象。

16. A big new study suggests a different explanation for teenage melancholy—the many hours young people spend staring at their phone screens.

melancholy: a feeling of sadness for no particular reason 忧郁

例句:A profound melancholy seized her.一阵极度的凄伤袭上她的心头。

17.By scrutinising national surveys, with data collected from over 500,000 American teenagers, Ms Twenge found that adolescents who spent more time on new media—using Snapchat, Facebook, or Instagram on a smartphone, for instance—were more likely to agree with remarks such as: “The future often seems hopeless,” or “I feel that I can’t do anything right.”

scrutinise:to examine someone or something very carefully 详细检查,细阅例句:He scrutinised our passports.他仔细查看了我们的护照。

18.As Ms Twenge herself concedes, the study does not prove causality.

Concede:to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true (常指不情愿地)承认

•[+ (that)] The Government has conceded (that) the new tax policy has been a disaster.政府承认新的税收政策是彻底失败的。

19.But a growing body of scientific evidence supports the idea that social media can inspire malaise.

malaisea general feeling that you are slightly ill or not happy in your life 萎靡

例句:The strike is a sympton of wider malaise in the city.这场罢工预示着马德里市不断夸扩大的不安感。

20. Past research suggests that social-networking sites can promote happiness if used to engage directly with other users, rather than just to covet glossyphotos of someone else’s exotic holiday or lavish wedding.

Glossy:looking attractive, but often not having serious value or quality 虚有其表的

•Th//www.58yuanyou.comis magazine is full of glossy advertisements for aftershave.这本杂志中满是介绍刮胡水的广告,尽是些夸夸其谈的东西。

21. But when asked if she has ever considered deleting her social-media accounts, she looks perplexed. “No. I would feel lost.”

perplexed: confused and worried by something that you do not understand 困惑的,糊涂的例句:Gary looked rather perplexed.加里看起来相当困惑。

1.The older generation may not resort to outright murder but, as our special report this week on millennials describes, in important ways they hold their juniors down.

分析:hold someone down,意为“压制;限制”,文中是指老一辈在某些重要方面压制着后辈,例句:Everyone thinks there is some vast conspiacy wanting to hold down the younger

generation.大家都认为有一个想法压制年轻一代的大阴谋。hold down 还可指“保住(工作或位置)”,比如:Constant injury problems had made it tough for him to hold down a regualr first team place.持续伤病使得他很难保住在球队的常规主力位置。

2.These children that you spit on

分析:spit on/at somebody/something,意为“朝...啐唾沫(常表示愤怒和鄙视)”,此处则译为这些你唾弃的孩子们,带有瞧不起和一丝愤怒的意味,比直接用 these children that youdispise 要生动得多

3.Those unemployed in their 20s typically still feel the “scarring” effects of lower income, as well as unhappiness, in their 50s.

分析:“scarring” effects,意为“疤痕效应”,指失业的阴影,曾经失业的经历给人带来的消极的长期的影响,而且还会一直影响到未来的就业

4.With the whole world to explore and nothing to tie them down, they move around more often than their elders.

分析:tie down,“限制,束缚,牵制”,可用来代替 restrict,比如:The reason he didn't have a family was that he didwww.58yuanyou.comn't want to be tied down.他没有成家的理由是不想被捆住手脚。movearound 在此指“持续换工作;经常搬迁”,劳动人口的流动,比如:I was born in Fort Worth but we moved around a lot and I was reared in east Texas.我出生在沃斯堡,但由于经常搬家,所以我是在得克萨斯州的东部长大的。下文 By one estimate, global GDP would double if people could move about freely.中的 move about 也有此意。

5.That is politically impossible—indeed, the mood in rich countries is turning against immigration.

分析:turn against 意为“(使)与...反目;(使)反对;(使)反感”,在文中用来描述富裕国家人们反对移民的情绪,例句:Working with the police has turned me against the use of violent scenes as entertainment.与警方合作后,我开始很反感把暴力场面作为娱乐表演的做法。

6.A UN study found that 80% of countries had policies to reduce rural-urban migration, although much of human progress has come from people putting down their hoes and finding better jobs in the big smoke.

分析:the big smoke 指代“大城市(尤指伦敦、墨尔本等大城市)”,比如:I wouldn't like to live in the big smoke.我不愿住在伦敦。

7.The young could do more to stand up for themselves.

分析:动词短语 stand up for someone or something 意为“坚决维护;捍卫”,比如:Don't be afraid to stand up for yourself.要敢于维护自己的权利。

8.However, the old have a part to play, too.

分析:have/play a part (in something)意为“在...起了作用”,联系上下文,文中是指年轻人在受到不公正待遇不光他们自身的原因,老年人也有责任,例句:They have worked very hard, but luck has played a part too.他们工作十分努力,但是运气也在其中起了作用。

9.Countries such as India that are counting on a demographic dividend from their large populations of young adults will find that it fails to materialise.

分析:count on/upon 意为“指望,依靠,依赖”,比如:Diana seemed a strong young girl who could be counted upon to produce an heir.黛安娜看起来是个年轻健壮的女孩,应该能生下继承人。类似意思的短语还有:depend on,rely on。demographic dividend 则是个专业术语, 意为“人口红利”,在经济学上,人口红利是指因为劳动人口在总人口中的比例上升,所伴随的经济成长效应。

10.Governments should unleash the young by cutting the red tape that keeps them out of jobs, and curbing the power of property-owners to stop homes from being built.

分析:本句中有个习语“cut the red tape”,red tape 指“繁琐费时的手续;繁文缛节”,据传,起源于 16 世纪初西班牙,当时国家议会讨论的重要文档都是用红带子装订起来的,便用 red tape 指代繁琐费时的手续,比如:The new rules should help cut the red tape for farmers.

新规则应该能帮助农民减少繁琐费时的手续。此外,本句中的curb 也是一个亮点,意为“控制;限制,约束;抑制”,比如:The government should act to curb tax evasion.政府应该采取行动抑制逃税。

11.It is a lot to expect from political leaders who often seem unequal to the task of even modest reform.

分析:unequal 常见的意思我们比较熟悉,“不平等的,不均衡的,不公平的”,但是在此处用的是 unequal 的另一个意思,意为“力所不及;不能胜任的”,比如:She felt unequal to the task she had set herself.她觉得难以完成给自己定下的任务。

12.But every parent and grandparent has a stake in this, too.

分析:stake in something,指(在公司、计划等中的)重大利益,重大利害关系,比如:Many young people no longer feel they have a stake in society.很多年轻人不再觉得他们与社会休戚相关。

13.If they put their shoulders to the wheel, who knows what they might accomplish.

分析:put your shoulder to the wheel 也是一个习语,意为 to start to work with great effort and determination,“开始奋力工作”,比如:We need to put our shoulders to the wheel if we're going to finish this on time.如果我们想按时完成的话,我们需要全力以赴了。

14..It is possible that another force is behind the increased diagnosis of depression among adolescents, and that sad teenagers are more likely than their happy peers to seek refuge in their phones.

分析:文中描述悲伤的青少年们更倾向于从手机中寻求避难所用了 seek refuge 这个词组,意为“寻求庇护、避难所”,若要表达“从...中寻求庇护”时则需加个“in something”,seek refuge in something,例如,seek refuge in th mountains(在山区避难), seek refuge in drink(喝酒以逃避)

15.This distinction is a reminder that social media is what users bring to it—their attitudes shape their experiences, both on and offline.

分析:此处亮点在于“...is a reminder that+句子”“提醒...”,我们也常用“a reminder of...(名词、动名词、名词性从句)”,例如,a reminder of the past(用来纪念过去的物品),a reminder of what you have to do(提醒你该做什么的提示)

1.such scenes have become the norm in America

“这样的场景已成为美国社会的常态”,norm 有“规范,基准”的意思,“...become the

norm”表示 xxx 现已十分普遍,已成为司空见惯的事情,比如:There was violence between police and civilians--as has also become the norm in times of crisis in Guinea.(在几内亚国内危机的时期内,警察和市民之间爆发武力冲突已成为常事。)

2.suicidal thoughts

“自杀的想法、念头”,文中谈到青少年心理问题时用到了这个词组,suicidal 是 suicide的形容词形式,当我们表达“自杀”时,不仅可用简单的kill oneself, 还可用commit suicide 此外,谈及青少年心理方面的问题时,一些常用单词、词组:suicide rate(“自杀率”),

psychologist(“心理学家”),mental troubles(“心理问题”), depression(“忧伤,消沉,沮丧”)

3.a growing body of scientific evidence supports the idea that...

我们可以使用该句式来支持前面提到的论点(比如使用手机对健康有害,独居对心里健康有影响等等),例如 A growing body of scientific evidence supports the idea that excessive use of mobile phones has a negative impact on our health.



文章标题: 糊涂造句简单

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/334938.html
