
电影《肖申克的救赎》是根据美国作家斯蒂芬金的中篇小说Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption改编,也是其代表作。收录于小说合集《四季奇谭 Different Seasons 》中,副标题为“春天的希望”。







Then he said, very softly, to Hadley: “Do you trust your wife?”

Hadley just stared at him. He was starting to get red in the face, and I knew that was a bad sign. In about three seconds he was going to pull his billy(警棍)and give Andy the butt end of it right in the solar plexus, where that big bundle of nerves is. A hard enough hit there can kill you, but they always go for it. If it doesn’t kill you it will paralyze you long enough to forget whatever cute move it was that you hawww.58yuanyou.comd planned.

“Boy,” Hadley said, “I’ll give you just one chance to pick up that Padd. And then you’re goin’ off this roof on your head.”


1. give Andy the butt end of it right in the solar plexus


*right in the solar plexus 准确打到心口

*solar plexus 心口;腹腔神经丛


2. if it doesn’t kill you /it will paralyze you/ long enough to forget/ whatever cute move it was /that you had planned.

*如果打你这一下没有杀了你/它也会让你麻痹/ 麻痹的时间足够长以至于你会忘记/无论你本来计划要做什么

*paralyze ['prlaiz] v.使瘫痪;使麻痹

*whatever=no matter what无论什么

*cute move 这里直译“可爱的行动”,是一种幽默讽刺的说法。也就是如果你有攻击狱警的想法,心原由网口挨了一下以后也就没有了。

*从whatever开始都是forget的宾语从句。 这个从句中有一个定语从句that you had planned 修饰cute move.

3. goin’off this roof on your head. 头朝下从屋顶掉下去

*goin’=going 这里表示发音上弱化了ing的后鼻音。

*on one’s head头朝下


Andy just looked at him, very calm and still. His eyes were like ice. It was as if he hadn’t heard. And I found myse//www.58yuanyou.comlf wanting to tell him how it was, to give him the crash course(速成课). The crash course is you never let on that you hear the guards talking, you never try to horn in(闯入)on their conversation unless you’re asked (and then you always tell them just what they want to hear and shut up again). Black man, white man, red man, yellow man, in prison it doesn’t matter because we’ve got our own brand of equality. In prison every con’s a nigger and you have to get used to the idea if you intend to survive men like Hadley and Greg Stammas, who really would kill you just as soon as look at you. When you’re in stir(监狱)you belong to the State and if you forget it,woe is you. I’ve known men who’ve lost eyes, men who’ve lost toes and fingers; I knew one man who lost the tip of his penis and counted himself lucky that was all he lost. I wanted to tell Andy that it was already too late. He could go back and pick up his brush and there would still be some big lug waiting for him in the showers that night, ready to charley-horse(使抽筋)both of his legs and leave him writhing on the cement . You could buy a lug like that for a pack of cigarettes or three Baby Ruths. Most of all, I wanted to tell him not to make it any worse than it already was.”


1.survive men like Hadley and Greg Stammas


*survive sb从某人手中幸存下来;比某人活得长

Eg:Most women will survive their spouses.


2. woe is you 倒霉的是你

*woe [w] n.悲痛;灾难

→【口语】woe is me 我好苦

3. Baby Ruths


What I did was to keep on running tar out onto the roof as if nothing at all was happening. Like everyone else, I look after my own assfirst. I have to. It’s cracked already, and in Shawshank there have always been Hadleys willing to finish the job of breaking it.

Andy said, “Maybe I put it wrong. Whether you trust her or not is immaterial(不重要的). The problem is whether or not you believe she would ever go behind your back, try to hamstring(使残废)you.”

Hadley got up. Mert got up. Tim Youngblood got up. Hadley’s face was as red as the side of a firebarn. “Your only problem,” he said, “is going to be how many bones you still got unbroken. You can count them in the infirmary. Come on, Mert. We’re throwing this sucker over the side.”

Tim Youngblood drew his gun. The rest of us kept tarring like mad. The sun beat down. They were going to do it; Hadley and Mert were simply going to pitch him over the side. Terrible accident. Dufresne, prisoner 81433-SHNK, was taking a couple of empties down and slipped on the ladder. Too bad.

They laid hold of him, Mert on the right arm, Hadley on the left. Andy didn’t resist. His eyes never left Hadley’s red, horsey face.


1.look after my own ass first. 我得先顾好我自己。(我要明哲保身)

*look after表示“照顾”。这个表达和cover my ass比较类似。

*和ass相关的口语表达很多,比如我们已经见过的cover one’s ass 表示为了避免丑事败露而做的掩盖

*kiss one’s ass拍某人马屁


“If you’v原由网egot your thumb on her, Mr. Hadley,”he said in that same calm, composed(沉着的)voice, “there’s not a reason why you shouldn’t have every cent of that money.Final score, Mr. Byron Hadley thirty-five thousand, Uncle Sam zip.”

Mert started to drag him toward the edge. Hadley just stood there. For a moment Andy was like a rope between them in a tug-of-war(拔河)game. Then Hadley said, “Hold on one second, Mert. What do you mean, boy?”

“I mean, if you’ve got your thumb on your wife, you can give it to her,” Andy said.

“You better start making sense, boy, or you’re going over.”

“The IRS allows you a one-time-only gift to your spouse,” Andy said. “It’s good up to sixty thousand dollars.”

Hadley was now looking at Andy as if he had been pole-axed(目瞪口呆的). “Naw, that ain’t right,” he said. “Tax free?”

“Tax free,” Andy said.“IRS can’t touch one cent.”

“How would you know a thing like that?”

Tim Youngblood said: “He used to be a banker, Byron. I s’pose(=suppose)he might—”


1. got your thumb on her 完全控制她

* be under sb’s thumb 完全在某人控制之下

Eg:He was still under his father’s thumb.


*get the thumb on sb以及be under sb’s thumb 都是thumb(大拇指)这个词的常见用法。用on和under来表示“控制”和“被控”。

2. Final score, Mr. Byron Hadley thirty-five thousand, Uncle Sam zip.

*最后得分:Byron Hadley先生三万五千,山姆大叔,零。

*uncle sam表示美国。这里的意思是,andy可以帮Hadley拿到全部的遗产,一毛也不让国家拿走。

*zip = zero 零

3. You better start making sense(讲得通)

*make sense是一个非常高频使用的短语,表示“有道理,说得通”。


“Shut ya head, Trout,”Hadley said without looking at him. Tim Youngblood flushed and shut up. Some of the guards called him Trout because of his thick lips and buggy(神经质的)eyes. Hadley kept looking at Andy. “You’re the smart banker who shot his wife. Why should I believe a smart banker like you? So I can wind up in here breaking rocks right alongside you?You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Andy said quietly: “If you went to jail for tax evasion(逃税), you’d go to a federal penitentiary(联邦监狱), not Shawshank. But you won’t. The tax-free gift to the spouse is a perfectly legal loophole(漏洞). I’ve done dozens…no, hundreds of them. It’s meant primarily for people with small businesses to pass on, for people who come into one-time-only windfalls. Like yourself.”

“I think you’re lying,” Hadley said, but he didn’t— you could see he didn’t. There was an emotion dawning on his face, something that was grotesque(奇怪的)overlying that long, ugly countenance(面容)and that receding, sunburned brow. An almost obscene emotion when seen on the features of Byron Hadley. It was hope.

“No, I’m not lying. There’s no reason why you should take my word for it, either. Engage a lawyer—”

“Ambulance-chasing highway-robbing cocksuckers!”Hadley cried.

Andy shrugged. “Then go to the IRS. They’ll tell you the same thing for free. Actually, you don’t need me to tell you at all. You would have investigated the matter for yourself.”

“You’re fucking-A. I don’t need any smart wife-killing banker to show me where the bear shit in the buckwheat.”

“You’ll need a tax lawyer or a banker to set up the gift for you and that will cost you something,” Andy said. “Or…if you were interested, I’d be glad to set it up for you nearly free of charge. The price would be three beers apiece for my co-workers—”


1.“ Shut ya head, Trout,”

*shut your head是口语中很随意的说法,相当于shut your mouth. 这里的ya就是you。美语发音语流中you会出现ya这样的发音。

* trout [tra?t] n. 鳟鱼,鲑鱼


2. So I can wind up in here breaking rocks right alongside you?


*wind up +doing /介词短语 以…告终 (用法和end up相似)

Eg:You know you’re going to wind up in court over this.你要知道你最终会因为这个上法庭。

*right alongside you 就正好在你旁边

→alongside prep. 在…旁边

3.“Ambulance-chasing highway-robbing cocksuckers!” Hadley cried


*cried (cry)在这里表示“大喊”

4. You’re fucking-A.




文章标题: 定语从句描写电影50字

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/334785.html
