do good deeds造句

Q & A

do good deeds造句



Q: Master, how to be happy in life?

A: When you help others to be happy, you are the happiest one.


学诚法师: 以无私的爱心去关心别人、利益别人,心会打开、心会复苏,能够拥有一切。

Q: I am in pain. Do I have love in my heart? Why do I feel so numb? Master, please give me directions.

A: Care for and do good to others with selflessness and love. Then your heart will open up and restore itself, and you will be able to embrace everything.



Q: Master, how can I control my depressive sentiment? I always pretend to be very happy, but actually I am 原由网very sensitive. A specific tone in speech can make me calm on the surface but depressive in heart. I hope for the help from you, Master.

A: Do not care too uPiQDvXDYmuch about others' opinions on you but care for and help others.



Q: Master, I feel anxious every day原由网. I know clearly about the reason but I just cannot get rid of the anxiety. I really hope I can rather be a little muddled than having a heart as clear as the mirror. Please give me some directions!

A: Just do good deeds and do not worry about the future.

do good deeds造句

网友:法师, 爱取有、贪嗔痴如何灭? 我不以言伤人, 人却以言伤己,世间善道虽自心明,但如何行?


Q: Master, how to get rid of craving, attachment, becoming, greed, anger and ignorance? I do not hurt others with my words but others hurt me with their words. I know clearly in my heart about the path of viwww.58yuanyou.comrtue in the world, but how to practice it?

A: If you have a clear heart, the annoyance will go out. Study hard and practice!



Q: How to live in the moment?

A: Living in the moment does not mean that we only care about what is before our eyes, but that we clearly understand what consequences our current actions will bring about. Only in this way can we really grasp every minute and every second we are having.



Q: What does "living in the moment"mean? Does it mean that we should focus on the issues on hand or that we only think about today instead of tomorrow?

A: Align your body with your mind, and do not be bound by deluded thoughts. That is what we mean by "living in the moment". Life requires plans and goals. Then work hard at every moment without fixating on the future results.


Source: Microblogs of Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

点燃心中的希望 | Enfl原由网ammer l’espoir dans le cur

生命层次 | Livelli di vita

把心放大 | 마음을 넓히십시오


文章标题: do good deeds造句

