the norm造句

A small red leaf followed the advice of the smooth-talking west wind and played truant for fun, with the carrying wind. And the wind stealthily took back its carrying power and the leaf stumbled into the stream. As she retained a high point of ecstasy, the s原由网tream led the poor, way-lost leaf in a subtle manner by push and jam, into the whirlpool where the leaf encircled, unable to move forwards or backwards, and was reduced to the verge of tears. The water let loose the leaf with a playful smile, and the leaf lost no time in running away.

A: 这次活动的目标消费者是什么人?

B: 我们这次促销活动的重点集中在新妈妈身上,中等收入家庭并有一两个两岁以下的孩子.

A: 你认为这次与我们上次的目标(中等收原由网入的家庭妇女)有很大不同吗?

B: 是这样,因为两个群体都有妈妈组成,因此存在一些相似之处…所以像以前一样,我们可以强调母亲的本性,在广告中加上卫生,安全等文字.但是虽然如此,一些细小的差别也会起作用,因为我们这次的目标是幼儿的妈妈.

A: 你说得对,这有道理.那平均年龄是多少?

B: 人口统计表明平均年龄是28.7,教育背景是大学或研究生,每家的年收入UKggYmFNLM是4-5万美元.

__________(尽管他已经不再珍惜家庭),his wife still devote all her attention to it.




A small red leaf followed the advice of the smooth-talking west wind and played truant for fun, with the carrying wind. And the wind stealthily took back its carrying power and the leaf stumbled into the stream. As she retained a high point of ecstasy, the stream led the poor, way-lost leaf in a subtle manner by push and jam, into the whirlpool where the leaf encircled, unable to move forwards or backwards, and was reduced to the verge of tears. The water let loose the leaf with a playful smile, and the leaf lost no time in running away.



A: 这次活动的目标消费者是什么人?

B: 我们这次促销活动的重点集中在新妈妈身上,中等收入家庭并有一两个两岁以下的孩子.

A: 你认为这次与我们上次的目标(中等收入的家庭妇女)有很大不同吗?

B: 是这样,因为两个群体都有妈妈组成,因此存在一些相似之处…所以像以前一样,我们可以强调母亲的本性,在广告中加上卫生,安全等文字.但是虽然如此,一些细小的差别也会起作用,因为我们这次的目标是幼儿的妈妈.

A: 你说得对,这有道理.那平均年龄是多少?

B: 人口统计表明平均年龄是28.7,教育背景是大学或研究生,每家的年收入是4-5万美元.

A: What's our target audience for this campaign?

B: This go-around we're focusing on new moms, families with median income and one or more children under the age of two.

A: Do you think that's much different from the soccor moms we tailored the last campaign for?

B: Well, there are some similarities that come up. Because both groups are made up of mothers… so as before, we can play up on maternal instincts, hygiene, safety, along those lines. But that being said, there are some specific differences that come into play because we are dealing with mothers of infants here.

A: Right, that makes sense. What's the average age?

B: Demographics say an average age of 28.7, educational background of university or post-grad, annual household income of 40-50K a year.


__________(尽管他已经不再珍惜家庭),his wife still devote all her attention to it.

Although/Though he has no longer cherished his family



And yet, the rapprochement of peoples in the “global village” ma//www.58yuanyou.comkes working towards intercultural understanding and dialogue ever more vital. In today’s world, the norm is to use at least three languages, including one local language, one language of wider communication and one international language to communicate at both the local and global levels. This linguistic and cultural diversity may be our best chance for the future: for creativity, innovation and inclusion. We must not squander it.





文章标题: the norm造句

