


在孔子诞辰2570周年之际,辞赋家、研究员冷为峰先生继创作百校之首北京大学赋、百城之首京都赋之后,于己亥清明倾力创作百宗之师孔子赋,冷先生用浑厚的笔墨、满怀敬仰之情铺采摛文,论及千古。其中“弘德于古今,穷儒道于无极;立言于天地,集国粹之大成。”、“ 非乾非坤,恒为天下语;非日非月,奉为人类明。”咏孔子的功德和长远影响。“克己复礼为其极,有教无类为其承。”提炼孔子为人之道和教学理念。“恒而周游,施仁政以负鼎;厄而不辍,创私学以爱民。”盛赞孔子施教施政锲而不舍,至仁至义。“立易之道曰阴曰阳,其意亦远;立德之道曰仁曰义,其理弥真。” 系统指出孔子的思想精髓在于立易立德,博大致远。“学究古今之绝,慧通天地之奇。天下文官之祖,累代帝王之师。”指出孔子博学及历史地位。“千秋儒典之脉,其勋永垂;万里圣贤之声,其业亦继。”“道统有序,天下始归。沐儒风于长河,福泽万众;树正气于天地,德达四维。”表述孔子历史影响和世界影响。“国无仁不昌,人无德不立。惟仁不离,惟德不弃。诚如是,则人不争而争,国不治而治。”道出孔子哲学思想为人治国理念。










Ode to Confucius

by Leng Weifeng

During the eventful spring and autumn period of Chinese history, in the ancient capital of Lu state, the benevolent and virtuous governance was abolished, and proprieties not observed; thence war broke out, causing chaos throughout the Lu state where, Confucius (551BC-479BC), the great sage, was born. He frftQXSounded Confucianism by advocating benevolence and virtue, calling on restraining ourselves and following social norms, championing non-discriminatory approach to education, and thus attracted so many disciples, among whom seventy-two were the top rftQXStalents. Thence, manners of proprieties were observed, and governance through benevolence and virtue prevailed. Thus, the philosophy of the master has become the canon throughout the history, enlightening and influential.

Confucius is reputed for being the Great Sage and Model Teacher by later generations for his great contribution to collating, editing, and elaborating on many of the Chinese classic texts including all of the Five Classics, namely Book of History, Book of Rites, Book of Poetry, Spring and Autumn Annals, and Book of Changes. His teachings were compiled in Lunyu, or the Analects of Confucius, traditionally believed to have been edited and written by his followers. He was also a great statesman who travelled around the neighboring states to champion and share the governance of great virtue and benevolence. This erudite master was also traditionally credited with having founded the first private school in Chinese history. He devoted himself to pursuing great Confucian Dao characterized by benevolence, righteousness, social norms etc. by learning from the great minds. The Master emphasized that when we see men of a contrary character, we should turn inwards and examine ourselves. He also attached great importance to righteousness, filial piety, honesty and integrity. The Master also highlighted that we shall learn from others by selecting their good qualities and following them. All in all, his philosophical approach to the good virtue featuring benevolence and righteousness has become the universal truth.

When Confucius was fifteen, he devoted himsel原由网f to learning, and at thirty, he took his stand; at forty, he had no doubts; at fifty, he knew the decrees of Heaven; at sixty, his was obedient for the reception of truth; at seventy, he could follow what his heart desired, without transgressing what w原由网as right. Thus, Confucianism featuring benevolence, righteousness, propriety was so influential that it has become the canon of moral conduct to the later generations and has attracted so many followers, among whom, Meng Ke, or Mencius (372BC-289BC) was one of the principal interpreters and transmitters of Confucianism, who is resp//www.58yuanyou.comected as Yasheng, a sage following Confucius, and Zhu Xi (1130AD-1200AD) was the most influential rationalist Neo-Confucian. Confucianism has also become the dominating philosophy of governance, which has facilitated the peace and prosperity.

China is famed for her good manners of propriety owing to the great influence of Confucianism, and Qufu city of the friendly eastern China’s Shandong province is the birthplace of Confucius, the great thinker, where stand the Temple, Mansion and Cemetery of Confucius. Without advocating benevolence, there’re few chances for a nation to prosper; without pursuing great virtue, there’s little possibility for one to mature. When the Great Way prevails, the world belongs to all the people. People of virtue and competence are elected to govern the country, and honesty and harmony is the way for people to get along with each other, which has ushered in a more harmonious society, nation, and international community.



文章标题: 辞赋用英语怎么说

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