



Spring Festival (春节)




What is Spring Festival?

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West.

The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty from the people's sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. Most people will have a week off, thus, this time is known as golden week.


严格来讲,春节不只是一天的庆祝,而是从农历的12 月底到新年的正月十五,不过最重要的几天当属除夕夜和新年头三天。春节是法定假日,大家一般都会放七天假,又叫做黄金周。


Spring Festival Traditions

1Spring Cleaning



“Dust”(尘)is homophonic with “chen”(陈)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way, “sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. Chinese People believe that in order to receive the new luck, you have to swipe the bad luck. All the cleaning has to be done before the end of New Year’s Eve, that’s what Chinese people always called “Ci Jiu Ying Xin”: saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new.

“Dust” 与“尘”是谐音(尘在汉语中的意思是旧的和过去的)。这样,“在春节前扫尘”是指彻底清洁房屋扫除过去闰年的厄运。勤劳勇敢的中国人民相信,只有把旧的坏运气赶走了,才能迎接美好新生活。所有的大扫除必须要在除夕夜之前完成,干干净净整整齐齐迎接新年,就是我们常说的辞旧迎新。

2Paper Cut



After the thoroughly clean up, people will paste paper-cut decorations on the windows and doors. Paper-cuts, usually with auspicious patterns, give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival and express the good wishes of Chinese people looking forward to a good life. It is common for Chinese to paste the character “fu(福)”, big and small, on walls, doors and doorposts around the houses. “Fu(福)” shows people’s yearning toward a good life. Some people’s yearning toward a good life. Some people even invert the character “Fu(福)” to signify that blessing has arrived because “inverted” is a homonym for “arrive” in Chinese.


3Spring Couplet



“The Spring Couplet”, also called “couplet” and “a pair of antithetical phrases”, is a special form of literature in China. The Spring Couplet is composed of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door and a horizontal scroll bearing an inion, usually an auspicious phrase, above the gate. Whether the family is rich or poor, educated or ignorant, everyone must put on the Spring Couplet to symbolize the hopes for the coming new year.


4Family Reunion Dinner



The Spring Festival is a time for the Chinese to have family reunion, on Chinese New Year’s Eve (Chu Xi), the whole family must sit at the table to eat the New Year’s Supper together. This meal is usually made from scratch with the entire family working together, and this meal is usually the most sumptuous meal of the year. In the New Year’s Supper, it is essential that some dishes contain the family wishes for the New Year.


年糕or the New Year’s Cake, is very common in Southern China, it Is made of sticky rice. In Chinese, niangao sounds like “getting higher year by year”. In Chinese people’s mind, the higher you are, the more prosperous your business is.


饺子,or the stuffed Dumpling, is a very common Northern Chinese Dish, Chinese dumplings look like silver ingots. Legend has it that the more dumplings you eat during New Year celebration, the more money you can make in the New Year. Ehen making these dumplings, coins and pennies are usually put into selected few, those lucky family members that happen to eat those special dumplings are believed to have special good fortune in the upcoming year.





Lighting Firecrackers used to be one of the most important customs in the Spring Festival celebration. However, concerning the danger and the negative noises that lighting firecrackers may bring, the government has banned this practice in many major cities. But people in small towns and rural areas still hold to this traditional celebration. Right as the clock strike 12 o’ clock midnight of New Year’s Eve, cities and towns are lit up with the glitter from fireworks, and the sound can be deafening.


6Red Packet/ Lucky Money



Children love Spring Festival because they can receive red packet! A red packet is simply a red envelope with lucky money in it, which symbolizes luck and wealth. In traditional Chinese cultural, red is considered a lucky color, red packet is believed to ward off evial spirits and to bring good fortune to the receiver. Traditionally, older generations give the red packet to the younger generation. Nowadays, this practice extends to close friends, neighbors, and even some companies give away year-end bonus in the red packets.

孩子们最爱过春节,因为春节有红包!红包就是在一个红包的小红包里装上压岁钱,寓意为幸运和财富。在中国传统文化中,红色是幸运色,大家相信红包能帮人赶走霉运, 带来幸福富贵。在过去,都是长辈给晚辈红包,但是现在这个概念已经扩大到朋友之音,有些公司也会把年终奖金放到红包里面发放。


In the season of joy I present my sincere wishes and kind thoughts. May the kind of New Year outshine all the rest.

1. 传统中国节日:traditional Chinese festival

2. 农历:lunar calendar

3. 腊八节:Laba Festival

4. 小年:Little New Year

5. 除夕:Lunar New Year's Eve

6. 春节:the Spring Festival

7. 正月初一:the lunar New Year's Day

8. 元宵节:the Lantern Festival

9. 正月:the first month of the lunar year

10. 二月二:Dragon Heads-raising Day

11. 喝腊八粥:eat Laba porridge

12. 扫尘:sweep the dust

13. 扫房:spring cleaning

14. 祭灶:offer sacrifices to the God of Kitchen

15. 守岁:staying up

16. 拜年:pay a New Year's call

17. 祭祖:offer sacrifices to one's ancestors

18. 祭财神:worship the God of Wealth

19. 春联:Spring Festival couplets

20. 贴倒福:paste the Chinese character "Fu" upside down

21. 去晦气:get rid of the ill-fortune

22. 辞旧岁:bid farewell to the old year

23. 兆头:omen

24. 禁忌:taboo

25. 烧香:burn incense

26. 吃团圆饭:have a family reunion dinner

27. 年夜饭:New Year's Eve dinner

28. 全家团圆:family reunion

29. 办年货:do Spring Festival shopping

30. 敬酒:propose a toast

31. 穿新衣:wear new clothes

32. 红包:red envelops

33. 压岁钱:gift money;money given to children as a Lunar New Year gift

34. 年糕:rice cake;New Year cake

35. 饺子:dumpling;Chinese meat ravioli

36. 汤圆:dumplings made of sweet rice

37. 八宝饭:eight-treasure rice pudding (steamed glutinous rice with bean paste, lotus seeds, preserved fruit, etc.)

38. 什锦糖:assorted candies

39. 糖莲子:candied lotus seed

40. 花生糖:peanut candy

41. 蜜冬瓜:candied winter melon

42. 瓜子:red melon seeds

43. 金桔:cumquat

44. 红枣:red dates

45. 春卷:spring roll

46. 冰糖葫芦:candied haws on a stick

47. 驴肉火烧:donkey burger

48. 腊肠:Chinese sausage

49. 米酒:rice wine

50. 腊肉:preserved meat

51. 糖板栗:sugar chestnut

52. 四喜丸子:four-joy meatballs

53. 泥人:clay figure

54. 皮影戏:shadow puppetry

55. 木偶戏:puppet show

56. 刺绣:embroidery

57. 剪纸:paper-cut

58. 中国结:Chinese knot

59. 年画:New Year painting

60. 吹糖人:sugar-figure blowing

61. 舞龙:dragon dance

62. 舞狮:lion dance

63. 秧歌:Yongko dance;rural folk dance

64. 灯笼:lantern

65. 戏曲:traditional opera

66. 折子戏:opera highlights

67. 相声:comic dialogue;cross talk

68. 小品:skits;sketch

69. 口技:vocal imitations;ventriloquism

70. 杂技:aTcTTlcrobatic performance

71. 马戏:circus performance

72. 京韵大鼓:drum song of Peking

73. 踩高跷:walk on stilts

74. 杂耍:variety show;vaudeville

75. 打麻将:play mahjong

76. 庙会:Temple Fair

77. 春节联欢晚会:Spring Festival gala

78. 灯会:exhibit of lanterns

79. 送贺卡:sending New Year's greeting cards

80. 理发:have a haircut

81. 放烟花:set off fireworks

82. 放鞭炮:set off firecrackers

83. 灯谜:riddles written on lanterns

84. 门神:the God of Door

85. 灶神:the God of Kitchen

86. 财神:the God of Wealth

87. 土地爷:the God of Land

88. 火神:the God of Fire

89. 喜神:the God of Happiness

90. 福禄寿三星:the three gods of fortune, prosperity and longevity

91. 八仙:the Eight Immortals

92. 生肖、属相:Chinese zodiac

93. 牛年:the Year of the Ox

94. 微信红包:WeChat red envelope

95. 年:Nian;Year monster

96. 立春:the Beginning of Spring

97. 24节气:24 Solar Terms

98. 本命年:the animal year in which one was born

99. 春运:Spring Festival travel rush


Wish everyone you meet a happy New Year by saying “gong xi fa cai”, which translates to “Have a happy and prosperous New Year!”


Wear articles of red clothing because red symbolizes luck.


Eat vegetarian food because it’s not good to see blood.


Buy new trousers because the Chinese word for trousers isTcTTl “fu”, (Chinese homonym for wealth) .


Children should stay up as late as possible on New Year’s Eve for it is believed that the later they stay up, the longer their parents will live.


Visit family (especially those older than yourself) and friends to pass on your wishes on good fortune for the New Year. (plus kids and single people will receive lai-see lucky red packets full of money.


Give two lai see to each child. Because happiness comes in two’s, do not just give one. This is your way of passing good luck to the next generation. Business owners also give lai see to employees and associates.



Don’t wear white or black clothing, since they are the traditional colours of mourning.


Don’t buy new shoes for the first month of the New Year, because the sound of shoe in Chinese is ‘hai’. “Hai” is similar to the sound of sighing, which Chinese believe is not a good way to start the year.

不要在新年的第一个月买新鞋,因为在汉语里鞋的发音是“孩”(好像是四川地区的发音), 它与叹息“唉”相近,中国人认为这不是新年伊始的好兆头。

Don’t wash your hair for the first three days of the New Year, because the Chinese word for hair is a homonym for www.58yuanyou.comthe Chinese word for wealth. Therefore, Chinese believe it isn’t a good thing to ‘wash away your wealth’ right at the start of the New Year.


Floors may not be swept and garbage may not be disposed of on the first day of the New Year for fear of casting riches out the door.


Don’t swear or quarrel.


Don’t break any dishes, otherwise you may incur more misfortune for the New Year. In the event of breaking a dish, quickly say “Peace for all time”, and the bad luck will be warded away.


Don’t greet people who are in mourning.


Don’t drop your chopsticks.


Don’t say the number “four” (Chinese homonym for death) or mention death.


Don’t borrow or lend money.



文章标题: 向你介绍中国文化用英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/326472.html
