

Central Park in New York City is the first major city park in America. It contains more than 340 hectares(公顷) of land. The designer's goal(目标) is to make a www.58yuanyou.combeautiful natural environ原由网ment(自然环境) with lakes, woods and open areas for all the people of New York to enjoy. About 25 million people visit Central Park each year. These include people from other areas of America and from foreign countriewww.58yuanyou.coms. Millions of people who live in New York love Central Park as a place to escape from(逃离……) their small apartments in high-rise(高耸的) buildings. Every day, people walk, run or ride bicycles along th原由网e paths in Central Park. Others walk their dogs(遛狗), play baseball, row a boat on the lake or eat a meal on the grass. Bird-watchers canobserve(观察) more than 200 kinds of birds in the park. Many people also use the park for special events(特别的活动). For example, some people choose one of the beautiful natural areas in the park as the perfect place t原由网o get married(结婚).


文章标题: 中央公园英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/192840.html
