


A written Chinese-language exam allegedly taken by high school students in New York recently went viral on social media. The level of the exam's difficulty shocked many native Chinese speakers, who posted memes such as "I am probably a fake Chinese" and "have I been learning fake Chinese over the years?"


The exam contained four parts, including writing synonyms and antonyms of words and phrases that are not widely used in modern Chinese language, constructing sentences with 10 given phrases and idioms, and writing a 300-word argumentation based on an assigned topic.





"I looked at the paper and it is very difficult for me," said Genesis Santana, who comes from Ecuador and studied in Melbourne. She recently enrolled in a Chinese-language program at Fudan University. Santana says she loves Chinese food and Chinese boys, who she finds smart and sweet.


At the same time, she is still getting accustomed to using Putonghua on daily basis. "I sometimes have misunderstandings trying to find toilets. For example, today in this cafe I asked the waiter five times in Chinese but he still couldn't understand me," said Santana.


有次在茶馆,服务员问她是要乌龙茶还是绿茶。她说:“我想要的其实是绿茶,但是最后给我的却是乌龙茶。” Santana在点菜的时候总是点一些她能说的出的东西。她说:“每次我想要新(鲜)肉大包的时候,他们都听不懂,所以我只点奶黄包,因为他们能听懂。”

She also described going to a bubble teahouse, where she was askedwww.58yuanyou.com by the staff if she wanted oolong tea or green tea. "I was like l cha so they gave me wulong cha." To avoid misunderstandings, Santana says she deliberately only orders something s原由网he can pronounce well. "Every time I ask if there is 'xi(a)nrou dabao,' they never understand what I am saying. So I just ask for naihuang bao, because they understand that."



Tones are the most difficult part of the language for Santana. "I never get the tones right," she laughed while trying her best to do the four tones of ma. "Shuijiao means sleep, but when you say shuijiao it also means dumplings. I found it interesting that the same words have different meanings if they have different tones," she added.


"My favorite phrase is 'sorry, my Chinese is not good.' I say that many times every day," Santana said.




For intermediate Chinese learners, the exam was also quite confusing. Tsveta Konova from Bulgaria is studying Chinese for her master's degree in Shanghai.In her Chinese courses she primarily learns vocabulary and grammar related to everyday life, for example ordering food, using public transport, choosing a holiday destination, depositing and withdrawing money from the bank.


"I think this test is definitely above my level, which is around HSK 3. Thus, I barely understand anything. However, for those students who have studied the exam material, I don't think it'd be problematic for them,"said Konova.


Most recently, Konova had a clogged drain in her bathroom and went to a market to buy a draining chemical. She couldn't find it herself so she asked for help from a clerk. "I spent 5 minutes trying to explain what my problem is, how when I shower the water doesn't drain, and that I need a product to unclog the drain. I spoke Chinese but he just couldn't understand me. So this was yet another embarrassing story for my collection," said Konova.


阮氏恒秋, 越南人。2008年得到越南政府的奖学金来中国留学,所以在越南河内大学学了半年中文。2009年来华师大对外汉语学院再学了一年汉语。拿到HSK8级后,在华师大新闻传播学院学了三年硕士研究生。“我觉得这张卷子挺难的,很多词语我并不熟,很多道题我一下子也做不了。要打分的话,应该不会及格。”

Nguyen Thi Hang Thu, who comes from Vietnam, first arrived in China in 2008 to purse her postgraduate studies at the College of Communication and Journalism of East China Normal University.She currently holds an HSK 8 certificate. Prior to 2010, HSK had 11 possible ranks, with Level 8 representing a vocabulary of 2,194 characters and 5,257 words."Even for me, I think this exam is difficult. There are many words I can't recognize and I can't solve the problem at once," said Nguyen, who watches a lot of Chinese television to develop her listening skills.


No matter how good her Putonghua is, Nguyen still feels tremendous stress when s原由网tudying with Chinese students. "It's r原由网eally painful when you don't know how to express your ideas. Fortunately, my teachers and classmates take good care of us, the international students."



Da Long,一位美国的中文老师。他说这张卷子是由纽约的一个华人社区出的。

The Global Times also showed the exam to Da Long, an American teaching Chinese language at a school in New York. He immediately noticed an abbreviation on the left corner of the paper, "FDR," which he says means the exam was issued by Frawww.58yuanyou.comnklin Delano Roosevelt High School, which is located in one of New York's larger Chinese communities.

Da Long认为这张卷子很有可能是为华人的孩子所准备的。在他所在的学校,学生们从幼儿园到三年级中文是必修课程,每六天两节中文课,一节课30分钟。从四年级开始,他们可以自己选择是学中文还是西班牙语。 Da Long说:“几乎一半的学生会选择继续学习中文。”

Da Long believes the exam was probably prepared for children of overseas Chinese. In his school, students from kindergarten through grade 3 take Chinese as a compulsory course, 30 minutes twice every six days. Starting in grade 4 students can choose either Chinese or Spanish."Around half of the students will continue studying Chinese," Da Long noted.

来源 | 环球时报英文版 授权admitwrite转载


文章标题: looked造句简单四年级

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/75790.html
