

Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences IsAwarded to U.S. Academics

ByPaul Hannon and David Harrison

U.S. academics Paul R. Milgrom andRobert B. Wilson have been awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences for newinsights into how auctions work, and how different auction designs can helpbuyers and sellers meet their goals.

Auctions play a big part in setting theprice of many of the goods and services people use every day. The applicationof the insights and new designs developed by Drs. Milgwww.58yuanyou.comrom and Wilsonwww.58yuanyou.com have beenparticularly significant for allocating public goods, such as radio spectrum,fishing quotas and airport landing slots.

While governments and taxpayers want tomaximize their revenues from selling those goods, the da//www.58yuanyou.comnger is that they willbe too successful, and force the winner to pay so much that delivery of theassociated service——原由网such as mobile phone connections or flights——is impaired.Understanding how auction formats match complex objectives helps avoid suchoutcomes.

Their theory has benefited “buyers,sellers, taxpayers, end users and society as a whole,” said Tommy Andersson, amember of the Nobel Economics Committee.

Since neither of the two economistspicked up this phone, the committee had to reach Dr. Wilson via his wife’scellphone. Dr. Wilson then the street, at around 2:15 a.www.58yuanyou.comm., and rang Dr.Milgrom’s doorbell to give him the news.



经济学不能粗暴按照文科或理科来划分,它归属于social sciences,是一门社会科学,它是用科学的方法,去研究人类社会的各种经济活动,和各种相应的经济关系,及其运行、发展的规律的学科。


文章标题: 用telephone造句并翻译简单

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/345654.html
