



5 Verses You Thought Were in the Bible ...

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"God helps those who help themselves.”

1 Americanians 17:76




The so-called American Dream means that almost anyone can be born into or come to the country with not//www.58yuanyou.comhing, work hard, gather a loan payment or three, and die with enough to leave to children.And this//www.58yuanyou.com “verse” (which may go back all the way to Aesop of fable fame) fits nicely with that American ethic.But it’s definitely not biblical.



In the Bible, the help always comes from one place, which the Psalmist lays out succinctly in Psalm 121:2, "My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.” When the Israelites stared down the crashing waves of the Red Sea and the crushing horses of Pharaoh’s army, God didn’t have the people build boats. He did the helping: "The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” ( Exodus 14:14 )


在圣经中,帮助只能从一处而来,就是诗篇作者在121章2节 简明扼要地说到,“我的帮助从造天地的耶和华而来。”当以色列人盯着波涛汹涌的红海和万马奔腾的法老追兵,神并没有让他们造船。神确实帮助了他们,“耶和华必为你们争战,你们只管静默,不要作声。”(出14:14)

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"This, to//www.58yuanyou.como, shall pass.” Wisdomonius 4:11

一切都会过原由网去的。智慧书 4章11节


Whenever something bad happens, this “verse” pops up. It certainly sounds biblical, and some have even quoted it on TV as being from God’s Word. But it’s not, and it’s not even necessarily true.



Sure, we’ll usually move beyond the debilitating pain of loss or find another job or heal from an accident. But not every pain will pass away while we’re here on earth and in this body. In fact, some pains don’t pass because God has a bigger purpose for them. We can be sure that God provides comfort, but that doesn’t mean He will necessarily take away the source of the pain.


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“Yea, verily, God wants you to be happy.” Oprah 1:1



This popular verse floats to the top every so often and gets thrown around on talk shows and magazines.We like to think that our happiness is God’s highest goal because that fits our consumer-focused, instant-access, you-deserve-it world. It’s a verse that allows people to skirt other biblical mandates because, as is often claimed, happiness trumps everything else.



But none of these false verses does more damage than this one.We are here to praise God—not to accumulate wealth, be comfortable, have a great relationship, feel satisfied, or reach our personal goals. In fact, if we put our happiness ahead of everything else, we’re completely disobeying what Jesus said are the most important commands: Love God; love people ( Luke 10:27 ).


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“If you work hard enough, you’ll be successful.” 2 Jobs 4:04



Is hard work good? Yes. In fact, we’re told over and over in Proverbs that we’re supposed to work hard (12:11, 13:4, 14:23, etc.). Jesus kept a tireless pace during His life on earth, and you’ll never hear Paul condemn someone who works hard (in fact, he condemns those who don’t in 2 Thessalonians 3:10).

努力工作好吗?是的,实际上,箴言书一遍又一遍地教导我们应该努力工作(12:11,13:4,14:23等等)耶稣在世的日子也一直不知疲倦地工作, 我们也从未听过保罗谴责勤劳工作的人(其实,他恰恰谴责了那些不工作的人。帖后3:10)

But the popular idea that hard work necessarily equals abundant earthly blessings has no basis in ure.As a Christian, we are supposed to work at everything as if we were doing it for Jesus. But our reward is in knowing we did our best for Him, not in seeing our bank accounts bloom.



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“Just follow your heart and believe, and you can do anything.” Song of Disney 20:15



Sometimes, Disney movies seem to invade ure. Perhaps because we humans love Cinderella stories (unjust rags to magical riches), the notion of us being "anything we want to be if we just believe” has become weaved into the fabric of how we view the Bible.David the shepherd boy became a king, right?

有时,迪士尼电影似乎侵入了圣经。也许因为我们人类都爱灰姑娘的故事(从不公平的破衣烂衫反转到魔法的锦衣华服),“只要相信,就能成为任何我们想成为的人”, 这样的理念也成为我们看待圣经的一种方式。况且,那个牧童大卫成为了国王,对吗?


God gives us passions and desires and uses our lives to prepare us for His purposes—just as He prepared David during his time as a shepherd, soldier, and court musician. But that only works if we completely surrender our lives to His leading. On the other hand, if we spend our lives pursuing that “whatever we want to be,” we may very well end up disillusioned and dissatisfied even if we achieve our goal.


( 译文:Echo )

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文章标题: 认识至圣者便是聪明上一句

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/207367.html
