in jail造句



  • 这是柚子总结的第 45TE地道表达,本期的19个地道表达节选自 20210102期《经济学人》。

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  • 往期的地道表达合辑收纳在自定义菜单“经济学人”中。

  • 关于如何读外刊:传送门—— 文章里把阅读外刊每个步骤会遇到的问题尽量写清楚了,错我都帮你试过了,唯一阻碍你进步的就是你不亲自去实践了。

1.生动形象的表达:leapfrog ahead

in jail造句


作名词它的本意是“跳马游戏、跳山羊游戏” (游戏者轮流从其他弯背人身上跳过) ,动词本意就是跳山羊(分腿跳过)这个动作,也常常引申为“突然超越、窜至、一跃超过”。

leapfrog这个单词在外刊中很常见,使用 leapfrog 可以让表达更形象、生动、准确。

2.生动形象的表达:pile up

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pile (sth) up

■to form a pile, or to put a lot of things into a pile 成为一堆;把…堆积起来

■(of something bad) to increase 使(不好的事物)增加,使累积

Unpaid bills began to pile up alarmingly.未支付的帐单越积越多,数目惊人。

3.生动形象的表达:roll out

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roll (sth) out

■to make a new product, service or system available for the first time 推出(新产品、服务等);实行(新制度);开展

4.生动形象的表达:shore up

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shore sth up

■to stop a wall or a building from falling down by supporting it with building materials such as wood or metal 支撑

■to strengthen or improve an organization, agreement 原由网or system that is not working effectively or that is likely to fail 改善,提高

5.生动形象的表达:rot in jail

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rot in jail/prison, etc.

■to stay in prison/etc. for a very long time 长期坐牢,饱受牢狱之苦,在监牢中逐渐憔悴

6.生动形象的表达:be on ice

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be on ice

■If a plan is on ice, a decision has been made to delay it for a period of time 搁置,暂缓

put plan on ice :把计划搁置、暂缓


in jail造句

再次看到beyond one's sheer 我想起了去年背诵过的《经济学人》里的一段话:

Half the world’s electronics-manufacturing capacity is based on the mainland. Its strengths go beyond sheer scaleto diversity and sophistication of products. The pace of hardware innovation in China’s Pearl river delta is unmatched evwww.58yuanyou.comen in Silicon Valley. So, too, isits uniqu//www.58yuanyou.come blend of scale and agility. This is why most of the world’s technology giants make their kit in China.

这段话用“go beyond”“unmatched”和“so, too, is......”连接,让三个句子读起来非常紧凑、连贯,恰到好处地写出了中国制造业不为人知的优势和独特性。

从中可以提炼出一个写作时常用的句型: Its strengths go beyond sheer X to Y.

8.简洁地道的表达:in one piece

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in one piece

■as a single thing and not divided into smaller pieces 整个地,完整地

9.简洁地道的表达:loom large

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loom verb

■to appear as a large, often frightening or unclear shape or object (令人惊恐地)隐约显现;赫然耸现

loom的引申义 表示“出现在人们心目中,既重大又令人惊恐不安”。我们想表示“迫在眉睫”、“一触即发”时,就可以想到用 loom 来表示,这时候主语一般都是一些有负向意义的词,比如 “crisis” “problemXpZkW” “threat” “danger”等。

loom 常和 large 搭配使用,表示“(问题、忧虑和威胁等)挥之不去,萦绕心中”、“心病”。比如对学生来说,高考就是件重要,一想起来让人紧张担心的事:

10.简洁地道的表达:in the teeth of

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in the teeth of sth

■If something happens or is done in the teeth of difficulties, the difficulties cause problems but do not stop it 违抗;不顾

11.简洁地道的表达:a whipping boy

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a whipping boy

在封建时代的欧洲,皇室会为王子找个玩伴共同生活,找个玩伴有个重要的功能:替王子受过。在现代英文中, whipping boy的意思颇接近 scapegoat,也是 替罪羊 的意思。

12.简洁地道的表达:a hive of

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hive noun

■a structure where bees live, especially a beehive (= container like a box) or the group of bees living there 蜂巢,蜂窝;蜂群

a hive of activity/industry

■a place where a lot of people are working very hard 繁忙的场所;忙碌的地方


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pass adj.

no longer fashionable,来自法院,通常用于负面的表达,表示过时;陈旧;不再流行。

14.奇怪的陌生人:ad hoc

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ad是拉丁文的一个介系词,相当于英文的 attohoc是拉丁文的 this,这个词组表示 专为此一目的而设立的

另外还要几个常用的拉丁文词组。ad infinitum 可直译为to infinity ,也就是无穷无尽,永无休止ad-lib 一词来自于ad libitum ,意思是to one’s pleasure ,字面解释是随兴之所至,引申为即兴ad literam 一词是to the letter ,也就是照字面意义解释、毫不夸大的意思,相当于英文的literally


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■having had both successful and unsuccessful periods in your past 成败参半的;盛衰多变的

•He's had a chequered business原由网 career.他的经商之路成败参半。


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half-baked adjective

■An idea or plan which is half-baked has not been considered carefully enough. (想法或计划)考虑不周全的,草率的

17.经典小词:red tape

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red tapenoun

■official rules and processes that seem unnecessary and delay results 繁文缛节;官僚作风;拖拉费时的繁琐手续。 来自公文上系的红带子,暗示不通人情、浪费人力物力的不合理规定


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blockbuster noun

■a book or film that is very successful, especially because it is exciting (尤指因内容精彩而)非常成功的书(或影片)

•a blockbuster movie/novel卖座钜片/风靡一时的小说


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■having a colour between pink and red 红润的

■If a situation is described as rosy, it gives hope of success or happiness 光明的;有希望的;美好的


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