



广大医务人员英勇奋战,人民解放军指战员勇挑重担,科技工作者协同攻关,社区工作者、公安干警、基层干部、新闻工作者、志愿者坚守岗位,快递、环卫、抗疫物资生产运输人员不辞劳苦,亿万普通劳动者默默奉献,① 武汉人民、湖北人民坚韧不拔,社会各界和港澳台同胞、海外侨胞捐款捐物。② 中华儿女风雨同舟、守望相助,筑起了抗击疫情的巍峨长城。


广大医务人员 = 我们的医务工作者:our medical workers


英勇奋战:fight with courage

人民解放军指战员 = 军人:servicemen and women

勇挑重担 = 肩负重责:shoulder heavy responsibilities

shoulder:vt. 肩负/承担

科技工作者 = 科学家和研究人员:scientists and researchers

协同攻关 = 汇聚力量以找到治疗方法:join forces in order to find a c原由网ure

cure:n. 【c】 疗法/解决办法

基层干部 = 在基层工作的官员:officials working at the primary level

新闻工作者 = 媒体人:media personnel

personnel:n. 全体人员(复数名词)/人事部(不可数名词)

坚守岗位:stand fast at one’s post(s) fast:adv. 坚定地

环卫 = 环境卫生工人:sanitation workers

sanitation:n. 【u】 环境卫生/公共卫生

抗疫物资 = 应急物资:emergency supplies

emergency:n. 【c】 突发事件/adj. 应急的

生产运输人员:all who make and transport

不辞劳苦 = 本着奉献精神继续工作:continue one’s work with dedication

dedication:n. 【u】 奉献精神

亿万 = 数亿:hundreds of millions of

普通劳动者 = 聚光灯之外的工作者:workers outside of the spotlight (spotlight:聚光灯,这里指公众注意中心)

默默奉献=做自己的贡献:make one’s own contributions

坚韧不拔 = 用坚毅和韧性继续活下去:carry on with fortitude and resilience

f原由网ortitude [fttjud]:n. 【u】 刚毅;不屈不饶;勇气

resilience [rzlins]:n. 【u】 韧性/恢复力

社会各界 = 来自社会各行各业的人们:people from all sectors of society

港澳台同胞、海外侨胞 = 我们在香港、澳门、台湾及海外的同胞:our fellow compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas

compatriot:n. 【c】 同胞

捐款捐物 = 钱款和实物的慷慨捐赠:made generous donations, both monetary and in-kind

in-kind:adj. 实物形式的

如:in-kind payouts(实物花费)

中华儿女:all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation

风雨同舟、守望相助 = 在最艰难的时刻站在一起:stand together in the most trying of times

抗击疫情的巍峨长城:a Great Wall against the epidemic

epidemic [epdemk]:n. 【u】流行病。 近义词:pandemic


① 武汉人民、湖北人民坚韧不拔,社会各界和港澳台同胞、海外侨胞捐款捐物。

In Wuhan City and Hubei Province the people have carried on with fortitude and resilience, while people from all sectors of society and our fellow compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas have made generousdonations, both monetaryand in-kind.



Through all these efforts, we, all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, have stood together in the most trying of times and built a Great Wall of solidarity against thXEUgscDBe epidemic.

解析:增译 through all these efforts(通过所有这些努力),将上文各行各业人们的付出和努力做了一个总结,也为下文引出筑起抗击疫情的长城做了铺垫,起到承上启下的作用。此外增译主语we,作为“中华儿女”的同位语,进一步强调了集体在此次疫情战役中发挥的巨大作用。


Our medical workers have fought with courage. Our servicemen and women have shoul原由网dered heavy responsibilities. Our scientists and researchers have joined

forces in order to find a cure. Our community workers, policemen and women, officials working at the primary level, media

personnel, and volunteers have stood fast at their posts. Our deliverymen and women, our sanitation workers, and all who make and transport emergency supplies have continued their work with dedication. Hundreds of millions of other workers outside of the spotlight have also made their own contributions. In Wuhan City and Hubei Province the people have carried on with fortitude and resilience, while people from all sectors of society and our fellow compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and overseas have made generous donations, both monetary and in-kind. Through all these efforts, we, all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation, have stood together in the most trying of times and built a Great Wall of solidarity against the epidemic.








文章标题: join造句并翻译简单

