壁画 用英语怎么说


Chinese frescoes Ancient artworks

壁画 用英语怎么说

Chinese frescoes date back to the prehistoric period some 10,000 ye//www.58yuanyou.comars ago.

People carved images of human activities and natural views o//www.58yuanyou.comn rocks.

Excavated from tombs built 2,200 years ago, the b hu remains clear, vivid and colourful.

Legend has it that an ancient painter drew a dragon on the wall and when he added eyes to the drawing the image turned into a real dragon.

With the introductwww.58yuanyou.comion of Buddhism to China,b hu on the subject of religion rapidly developed.

The b hu, or frescoes, in the Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes are the most famous ones in China.

They are a c//www.58yuanyou.comollection of masterpieces of numerous painters in the past 1,000 years.

They tell historical tales and religious stories.

Integratin原由网g Chinese and Western Culture and Inheriting Chinese wisdom


文章标题: 壁画 用英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/342430.html
