
One Word for Many


1.A BALL of string

Ball: 球状物(a roundobject or a thing that has been formed into a round shape)。这里是指(一团/卷线)。还有个说法叫做:

A ball of fire——a person who is full ofenergy and life(生龙活虎的人、像一团火)


2.A BAR of soap

Bar(长方形)条,块(a pieceof sth with straight sides)。如:

Abar of chocolate——一块巧克力

3.A BUNCH of flowers

Bunch串;束;扎(a numberof things of the same type which are growing or fastened together)。如:

A bunch of keys——一串钥匙

A bunch of stars——一个星系

4.A CLASS of students

Class种类;类别;等级(a groupof people, animals or things that have similar characteristics or qualities

aclass of chemical compounds——一类化合物

a class of businessmen——一个阶层的商人

5.A CLOUD of mosquitoes

Cloud一团,一大片(尘雾、烟雾或一群飞行的昆虫等)(a largemass of sth in the air, for example dust or smoke, or a number of insects flying all together

A cloud of dust——一团晨雾

A cloud of——一大群鸟

6.A CREW of soldiers

Crew一群(或一帮、一伙)人(a groupof people with special skills working together

A crew of firefighters——一队消防员

7.A DOSE of medicine

Dose(药的)一剂,一服(an amount of a medicine or a drug that is taken once, orregularly over a period of time

Next year,I'll give him adose of hisown medicine.明年我要以彼之道还彼之身。

8.A FLIGHT of birds

Flight(一起飞行的)鸟群(或机群)(a groupof birds or aircraft flying together

A flight of stairs——一段台阶

A flight of aircrafts——一组飞机


9.A FLOCK of sheep


1)(羊或鸟)群(a group of sheep, goats or birds of the same type);

2)(尤指同类人的)一大群(a large group of people, especially of the same type

A flock of followers——一群追随者

A flock of birds——一群鸟

10.A GANG of workmen

Gang一帮,一伙(罪犯)(anorganized group of criminals

Agang of muggers——一群劫匪

11.A HERD of cattle


1)一群(家畜)(a large group of domestic animals of one kind that live together);

2)一大群人(志趣追求相投的)(a large group of people with common interest or belief

A herd of people whowww.58yuanyou.com have nothing——一群一无所有的人

A herd of white sheep——(害群之马诞生下的)坏人中的一群好人

注:black sheep害群之马。

12.A LUMP of clay

Lump(通常为无定形的)块(a pieceof sth hard or solid, usually without a particular shape

A lump of silver——一块银子

A lump of butter——一坨黄油

13.A PACK of cards


1)一群(动物或猎狗)A group of animals that live and hunt together, like wolves anddogs);

2)群;帮;团伙(a group of similar people or things, especially one that you donot like or approve of

A PACK of wolves——一群狼

A pack of reporters——一群狗仔(记者)


14.A PAIR of boots

Pair一双;一对(twothings of the same type, especially when they are used or worn together

A PAIR of shoes(一双鞋)

A PAIR of pants(一条裤子)

A PAIR of socks(一对袜子)

A PAIR of trousers(一条裤子)

A PAIR of compasses(一把圆规)

A PAIR of spectacles(一副眼镜)

A PAIR of eye-glasses(一副眼镜)

15.A REGIMENT of soldiers

Regiment(军队的)团(a large group of soldiers that is commanded by a colonel

A regiment Roman soldiers——一个罗马军团


16.A SCHOOL of whales

School群(a large number of原由网 fish or other sea animals, swimming together)或:学派;流派(a group of writers, artists, etc. whose style of work or opinions have been influenced by the same person or ideas

aschool of radical philosopher——一派激进的哲学家

17.A SHOAL of fish

Shoal鱼群(a large number of fish swimming together as a group

A shoal of smaller firms——一批小公司(喻自水里的“小鱼”)


18.A SLICE of bread

Slice薄片,片(a thin flat piece of food that has been cut off a larger piece

A slice of Pizza——一块披萨

注:A slice of life——反映现实生活的电影(或戏剧、书(a film/movie, play or book that gives a very realistic view of ordinary life

19.A SUIT of clothes


1)(扑克牌中)所有同花色的牌(any of the four sets that form a pack/deck of cards

2)(从事特定活动时穿的)成套服装(a set of clothing worn for a particular activity

A suit of armor——一副盔甲

A suit of new house——一套新房

A suit of playing cards——一副同花(注“一副/手好牌”是agood hand


20.A SWARM of flies


1)一大群(蜜蜂等昆虫)(a large group of insects, especially bees , moving together inthe same direction

2)一大群,一大批(向同方向移动的人)(a large group of people, especiallywhen they are all moving quickly in the same direction

A swarm of sxECuZYmall earthquakes——一群小地震带

A swarm of suicide-bombers——一大群人肉炸弹


21.A TUFT of hair

Tuft:(在底部丛生或聚集的)一绺毛发,一丛草(a numberof pieces of hair, grass, etc. growing or held closely together at the base

A tuft of green moss——一簇青苔


22.A BLOCK of wood原由网


1)(公寓、办公、教学、医院等)大楼;(成组建筑中的)一栋楼房a tall building that contains flats oroffices; buildings that form part of a school, hospital, etc. which are usedfor a particular purpose

2)(东西的)一批,一组;(时间的)一段a quantity of sth or an amount of timethat is considered as a single unit

A block of flats——一片公寓区(最近伦敦大火就发生在这类地区,又叫block towers

A block of time on Saturday morning——周六上午的一段时间


在北美地区问路,得到回答经常是“go down XXX blowww.58yuanyou.comcks”意思是往前走几个block,两条马路之间那一片建筑,就是一个block。数学不好的就头大了。



1. 用在鸟类的词最多——flockcloudflight(各种状态下的群)

2. 用在人类身上,带着明显的情感喜好。比如gangpack(往往是坏人)

3. 与羊群有关的往往也和信仰有关——源自宗教。如herdflock(追随者)



文章标题: 怎么写一群

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/327171.html
