

文:Scott Mautz


Google CEOSundar Pichai.Associated Press

  • Google set out to prove that it didn’t need //www.58yuanyou.commanagers with Project Oxygen, but it was a failure. 谷歌曾着手证明它不需要氧气项目(Project Oxygen)的管理人员,但这是一个失败。
  • In the process, however, the company realized the value of managers who guide their team to success. 然而,在此过程中,公司意识到指导团队成功的管理人员的价值。
  • Here are the 10 characteristics Google found essential to make a great manager, including being inclusive and having the confidence to make decisions. 以下是谷歌发现的成为一名优秀管理者所必备的1www.58yuanyou.com0个特质,包括包容性和做出决策的信心。

It's not every day you learn of a really smart company setting out to prove that managers don't matter. But that's exactly what Google did with Project Oxygen.


The hypothesis was that the quality of a manager doesn't matter and that managers are at best a necessary evil, and at worst a useless layer of bureaucracy. The early work of Project Oxygen, in 2002, included a radical experiment — a move to a flat organization without any managers.

他们的假设是,管理者的素质无关紧要,管理者充其量是一种必要之恶,往坏里说,是一种无用的官僚体系。2002年,氧气项目的早期工作包括一项激进的实验 - 向没有任何管理者的扁平组织过渡。


The experiment was a disaster, lasting only a few months as the search giant found employees were left without direction and guidance on their most basic questions and needs.


Never daunted, Google pivoted to extensively study the opposite question — what are the common behaviors of their very best managers? It came up with a list of eight attributes, verified quantitatively and qualitatively in multiple ways. It then rolled out those findings in 2010 to its organization to ingest and use.

谷歌从不气馁,转而广泛研究相反的问题 - 他们最优秀的管理者的共同行为是什么?它提出了八个属性的列表,并以多种方式定量和定性地进行了验证。然后,在2010年将这些调查结果推广到组织供其吸收和使用。

The results were markable.


Laszlo Bock (at the time Google's VP of people operations) told The New York Times, "We had a statistically significant improvement in manager quality for 75% of our worst-performing managers." Since then, further analysis has added two more attributes to the list.

Laszlo Bock(当时谷歌的人力运营副总裁)告诉纽约时报,“据统计,75%表现糟糕的管理者的管理素质有显着提升。” 从那时起,进一步的分析又为列表增加了两个属性。

So what follows are the 10 characteristics Google believes make for the best managers (and that it expects from managers), blended with my perspective on each trait. According to Google, the best managers know how to ...



(Google CEO Sundar Pichai)

1. Be a good coach


You either care about your employees or you don't. There's no gray zone. If you care, then you'll invest time and energy to help your employees become better versions of themselves. That's the first 50 percent of being a good coach.



The other half is knowing you're a facilitator, not a fixer. Ask good questions, don't just give the answers. Expand your coachees' point of view versus giving it to them. Sure, I'm over simplifying. But not much.


2. Empower teams and don't micromanage


Absolwww.58yuanyou.comutely no one likes to be micromanaged. Research from empowerment expert Gretchen Spreitzer (University of Michigan) shows that empowered employees have higher job satisfaction and organizational commitment, which reduces turnover and increases performance and motivation. Also, supervisors who empower are seen as more influential and inspiring by their subordinates.

绝对没有人喜欢被微观管理。授权专家Gretchen Spreitzer(密歇根大学)的研究表明,授权员工能获得更高的工作满意度和组织承诺,这可以减少人员流动,提高绩效和积极性。

Everyone wins when you learn to let go.


3. Create an inclusive team environment, showing concern for success and well-being


Individual fulfillment is often a joint effort. People derive tremendous joy from being part of a winning team. The best managers facilitate esprit de corps and interdependence.



And employees respond to managers who are concerned about winning, and winning well (in a way that supports their well-being).


4. Be productive and results-oriented


Take productivity of your employees seriously and give them the tools to be productive, keeping the number of processes to a minimum.


5. Be a good communicator — listen and share information

善于沟通 – 倾听并分享信息

The biggest problem with communication is the illusion that it has taken place. It often doesn't happen because of a lack of effort from both the transmitting and the receiving parties. Invest in communication, and care enough to listen.


Former CEO of Procter & Gamble A.G. Lafley once told me his job was 90 percent communication - communicating the next point especially.

宝洁公司前CEO雷富礼(A.G.Lafley)曾告诉我,他的工作是90%的沟通 - 特别是沟通下一节点。

6. Have a clear vision/strategy for the team


With no North Star, employees sail into the rocks. Enroll employees in building that vision/strategy, don't just foist it on them. The former nets commitment, the latter compliance. And be prepa原由网red to communicate it more often than you ever thought you could.


7. Support career development and discuss performance


The best managers care about their people's careers and development as much as they care about their own. People crave feedback. And you owe it to them.



People don't work to achieve a 20 percent return on assets or any other numerical goal. They work to bring meaning into their lives, and meaning comes from personal growth and development.


8. Have the expertise to advise the team


Google wants its managers to have key technical skills (like coding, etc.) so they can share the"been there, done that" experience. So be there and do that to build up your core expertise, whatever that might be. Stay current on industry trends and read everything you can.


9. Collaborate


In a global and remote business world, collaboration skills are essential. Collaboration happens when each team member feels accountability and interdependence with teammates. Nothing is more destructive for a team than a leader who is unwilling to collaborate. It creates a "it's up to only us" vibe that kills culture, productivity, and results.


10. Be a strong decision-maker


The alternative is indecision, which paralyzes an organization, creates doubt, uncertainty, lack of focus, and even resentment. Strong decisions come from a strong sense of self-confidence and belief that a decision, even if proved wrong, is better than none.








文章标题: 氧气管理员的英语怎么写

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/323240.html
