

Kangaroo是“袋鼠”的意思,那“Kangaroo court”和袋鼠有关吗?想知道就快点击进来吧~

NO1 Kangaroo court —



-Stacewww.58yuanyou.comy complained that the University only had a kangaroo court dealing with sexual assault, because the university wanted to uphold its reputation and attract future female students.

-Many Black Americans say that the White police officers who have shot them //www.58yuanyou.comonly go to a kangaroo court.

-William DuPont Vanderbilt Rockefeller was not concerned when he got caught for robbing a store, because his wealthy father would make sure that he faced only a kangaroo court.

【解释】A kangaroo court is a trial that has the appearance of a fair and just trial, even though the verdict has in reality already been decided before the trial begun.

NO2 Hit the Jackpot —



-The McGregors hit the jackpot when the//www.58yuanyou.comy discovered their house was built on top of an oilfield.

-Ralph hit the jackpot when he found an ancient coin on the ground.

-Gary hit the jackpot on the slot machines.

【解释】Win something mainly through luck.

NO3 Make a Beeline —



-Rory made a beeline to sit next to the girl he liked.

-John had a weak bladder and made a beeline to the tDUKMPnoilet.

-After the exhausting hike Mar made a beeline to the drink stand.

【解释】To deliberately go to something.


版权所有:CRI NEWSPlus英语环球广播



文章标题: 袋鼠的英文怎么写

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/23833.html
