my boy模拟器怎么用

my boy模拟器怎么用

7月11日,任天堂(Nintendo)官方发布讣告,社长岩田聪(Satoru Iwata)因癌症去世。

岩田聪大家可能都不太熟,但是他所在的公司任天堂,大家想必都十分熟悉。至少任天堂出的游戏大多数人小时候都接触过,像《超级马里奥(Super Mario)》、《口袋妖怪(Pokemon)》、《魂斗罗(Contra)》等等...

另外,像红白机(FC, family computer)

my boy模拟器怎么用


my boy模拟器怎么用

NDS(Nintendo Dual Screen)

my boy模拟器怎么用


my boy模拟器怎么用




my boy模拟器怎么用


从系列正传到赛车网球运动会各种外传,马里奥各种相关作品达到百部以上,累计销量超过五亿套,是吉尼斯世界纪录认证的世界第一销量游戏系列,传奇,时代,经典... 任何赞美之词用来形容这个系列都不过分,而我们也完全无法想象没有马里奥的任天堂会是什么样子。


my boy模拟器怎么用



科技播客Engadget中文版总编Richard Lai的话来总结,任天堂游戏的主要特点就是“simple, fun and cute”。

One thing that Iwata had stuck with is to keep games simple and also to keep them cute. Because what I notice recently is that when people go visit these retro gaming shops, you know, shops that store a lot of the old retro gaming cons原由网oles. Before they enter, usually the girls or the wives would hesitate as they would think it’s gonna be very boring for them. But when the girls actually go in, they actually end up seeing the old Nintendo console and they actually enjoy playing it. And to the point that they actually end up buying some of these old games from Nintendo and they end up doing more shopping than the other half. So it’s very interesting to see that under Iwata’s insist on keeping games simple and fun and cute. And compared to the other games that we see these days which are graphically iwww.58yuanyou.comntense, I think this is what really makes Nintendo stand out.

岩田聪对于任天堂来说是什么样的存在呢?有人形容岩田聪是任天堂的灵魂,岩田聪自己也自称是骨灰级游戏粉:“In my heart, I am a gamer”。


He’s a very smart guy. He’s actually, he’s not just a programmer but also pretty much one of the best in the industry, because in the past, at his previous company, he once managed to port one of t//www.58yuanyou.comhe original versions of Pokemon to the Nintendo 64 in just about a wevijpgXCMdfek and he still managed to compress so much data that they had more space to put enough data, so that’s one of the many legends of Iwata.


Well, the beauty of keeping these games simple is that it definitely appeals to a bigger audience. Because usually the graphically intense games end up tend(ing) to be more violent, because some people wanted the realism, so they want to //www.58yuanyou.comsee more war, they wanna feel what they normally don’t feel. Whereas Nintendo, I think the only criticism I can give is that it’s so easy to replicate on the smart phone gaming business, that they end up losing a big chunk of business to the smart phone world, because the developers see that as being the bigger opportunity and because duplicates are obviously so easy to make, so they end up choosing the other platform instead of the closed system.


Just to keep games simple, keep gaming fun, cute and family friendly.


my boy模拟器怎么用

Thank you Iwata, you've made so many people happy.



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