was 多组件模式好不好



was 多组件模式好不好

升学指导 Robert Shields

Robert Shields老师是一位项目经理、生涯指导、关系构建者,他关注大中华地区和美国的学生职业发展,在构思并启动新项目上有丰富的经验。他曾在佛罗里达大学发起在中国留学的项目,还创建了霍普金斯南京中心的职业生涯服务办公室。这些项目结合了课堂教学、校友支持、外部赞助以及提供有益学生的实验性学习。Robbie持有佛罗里达大学法律博士学位和田纳西大学艺术史学士学位。工作之余,他爱好帆船运动

Don’t Give Up on the Value of

Global Perspective


Since the spring festival holiday, people all over China have experienced the impact of the Covid-19 virus. For roughly a month, streets were empty, shops were closed, and notices of disinfection were consistently posted on buildings. Travel was shut down in and out of Hubei province and a resilient population began to work out how to survive under the circumstances. A hemisphere away, I was in Adelaide, Australia serving as the best man at a friend’s wedding. When it came time for me to give my speech, as is customary in western weddings, the person introducing me indicated that I had come from China. As a point of humor, she reached below the podium, put on a mask, and said “not to worry, I’m sure he is just fine, but just in case, there is a pharmacy next door that has masks for sale.” People laughed. Weddings are meant to be humorous and Australians have as rich a sense of humor as any people I’ve encountered. Still, it wasn’t lost on me the dichotomy of t//www.58yuanyou.comhe carefree attitude of the people attending the wedding versus what I saw happening in China through my daily calls to my wife. This was February 1, 2020.

自春节假期以来,全中国人都受到了Covid-19病毒的影响。在大约一个月的时间里,街道上空无一人,商店关闭,建筑物上不断张贴消毒告示。湖北省内和出省的交通被关闭,在这种情况下,当地居民开始思考如何生存。而我正在南半球的澳大利亚阿德莱德为一个朋友担当婚礼伴郎。当按照西方婚礼的惯例轮到我发言时,介绍我的人说我来自中国。出于幽默,她从演讲台下面拿出一个口罩戴上,说:“ 别担心,我相信他是健康的,但以防万一,隔壁有一家药店出售口罩。”人群爆发出一阵笑声。婚礼上本该充满欢乐,澳大利亚人也和所有人一样富有幽默感。但参加婚礼的人的那种无忧无虑的态度与妻子每天在电话里描述的中国的情况仍然让我感到巨大的反差。那时的时间是2020年2月1日。

Fast forward one month and six days, and the world is a different place. A problem that was once viewed from the outside as a “Chinese problem” is now creating challenges for countries and peoples around the world. Italy, Iran, South Korea, the United States, India, Australia, and Bhutan are just some of the nations that have been deeply impacted by Covid-19. Flight reductions, school closures, store shortages are now prevalent occurrences that have accompanied people getting sick and the loss of life. Sadly, fear of the virus has revealed a small but loud portion of populations who find the need to place blame. Asian populations abroad have reported feeling discriminated against and some have been targets of verbal assault or worse.


was 多组件模式好不好

In times like this it’s easy to dismiss the value of a global perspective and retreat to the comfort of familiarity. But I was reminded of the power that comes with culture exchange and understanding when I was wwww.58yuanyou.comorking with QDHS colleagues Ms. Wu, Mr. Katz, Mrs. Nunnally, Ms. Sharma to deliver a class to a group of incoming QDHS high-fliers.


was 多组件模式好不好

The source of my realization came not form the students or colleagues (though they are all quite impressi原由网ve) but from Zoom. Zoom is a remote conference and online learning software founded in 2011 in San Jose, California. While it may be located in the US, it’s founder and CEO is Chinese. Zheng Yuan (Eric Yuan) was born in Tai’an, Shandong province and earned his bachelor’s degree from Shandong University of Science and Technology. He arrived in Silicon Valley in 1997 and started working for WebEx, a software company that was eventually acquired by Cisco. Although Mr. Yuan had worked his way up to the level of Corporate VP of Engineering, he wanted to venture out on his own and start Zoom.

令我意识到这一点的并不是学校的学生或同事(尽管他们确实很优秀),而是Zoom。Zoom是一个远程会议和在线学习软件,2011年在加州圣何塞创立。尽管它的总部可能在美国,但其创始人和首席执行官却是一个中国人。袁征(Eric Yuan)出生于山东泰安,在山东科技大学获得学士学位。1997年,他来到硅谷,进入WebEx工作,这家软件公司后来被思科收购。虽然袁征通过自己的努力升到了公司工程副总裁的位置,但他想自己创业,Zoom正是由此而来。

was 多组件模式好不好

The inspiration for Zoom came from a combination of influences between Shandong and Silicon Valley. “I first envisioned Zoom when I was a freshman in college in China and regularly took a ten-hour train ride to visit my girlfriend, who is now my wife” Mr. Yuan stated. “I detested those rides and used to imagine other ways I could visit my girlfriend without traveling-those daydreams eventually became the basis for Zoom.” Armed with this vision, he took the experiences he acquired working in Silicon Valley and decided to venture out onto his own.

Zoom的灵感来源受到了山东和硅谷的双重影响。 “我第一次产生关于Zoom的想法是刚刚在中国上大学的时候,我经常要坐10个小时的火车去看望我的女朋友,现在她是我的妻子了,” 袁先生说。 “我讨厌那些漫长的旅途,一直在思考如何不经历长途跋涉也能见到我女朋友——这些白日梦最终为Zoom的诞生奠定了基础。” 怀着这份愿景,以及他在硅谷的工作经验,他开始了个人创业。

was 多组件模式好不好

Today, Zoom is a publicly traded business with a market capitalization of over 30 billion US dollars. Businesses, schools, and other organizations around the world remain connected despite the physical separation brought on by Covid-19. At Qibao Dwight, teachers and students meet similarly to as they would at school, forming discussion groups, checking for learning, and sharing ideas. I marveled at the ease with which Zoom functioned as I moderated a discussion between 23 students and four colleagues, as we were able to take what was originally supposed to be an in-person experience and successfully move it online.


was 多组件模式好不好

It’s no exaggeration to say that the experience I had on Sunday, March 1 was the direct result of the benefits that stem from global engagement. Mr. Yuan’s experiences of growing up in China and gaining knowledge and experience overseas coalesced to help him create a business that has helped change the world. I suspect he never envisioned it would be such a critical tool that helped dull the ill effects of Covid-19, but it has. So, the next time QDHS students and teachers logon to Zoom, I hope when they look through the screen they not only see classmates, buttons, and icons, but they see possibility, the possibility that comes with developing a global mindset.

毫不夸张原由网地说,3月1日星期天网络授课的经历让我感到我是全球化与的直接受惠者。 袁征在中国的成长经历,以及在海外获得的知识和经验,共同促成了这家改变世界的企业的诞生。我猜他恐怕从未预料到Zoom会成为如此重要的工具,使Covid-19的负面影响得到缓解,但它确实做到了这一点。所以,我希望七宝德怀特的师生下次登录Zoom时,透过屏幕看到的不仅是同学、按键和图标,还有各种可能性—— 与全球思维模式的发展相依相生的各种可能性


文章标题: was 多组件模式好不好

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/baike/231580.html
