some of是什么意思

some of是什么意思


some of是什么意思

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Daka destinations


For some in China, the aim of travel is to create 15-second videos


It’s not about where you’ve been, it’s about where you’re seen to have been


1. Perched on cliffs above a river, Hongyadong is a stilt-house complex in mock-traditional style in the city of Chongqing. Its bars, restaurants and golden neon lightshave been a popular draw since it was built in 2006. Last year the number of visitors surged.


2. The main reason, it seemed, was Hongyadong’s sudden popularity on a social-media app, Douyin, which is used for sharing photographs and 15-second videos. By the end of the year the waiting time to get in was three hours. For a while Hongyadong—a jolly enough place but hitherto on few people’s bucket lists—became the biggesttLaeOzjrNZ attraction in China after the Forbidden City, says Mafengwo, a travel website.


3. Social media have transformed tourism worldwide. Instead of having fun, some people now flock to remote strawberry farms or Icelandic fjordsto take photos to impress their friends on Instagram. Foreign-operated social-media sites, including Instagram, are blocked in China. But domestic ones are hugely popular. Douyin, launched in 2016, has 230m monthly active users (its owner, ByteDancetLaeOzjrNZ, has an uncensored version of the app for users outside China, called TikTok).Unlike users of Instagram, who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by people they follow, Douyin’s fans commonly use the app to watch hot-trending videosposted by users they do not know under categories such as “food” and “scenic spots”.


4. Uploading a picture or video from a photogenicspot to sites such as Douyin and Kuaishou is known in China as daka, meaning “punching the card”. The word is also used to refer to the practice of registering your presence at a location that has already become hot, such as Hongyadong. The aim is not to produce a well-craftedvideo or beautiful photograph, but simply to show that you have also been to the places that are popular. The beauty of the attraction is less important than the fact that people are flocking there to daka.


5. A subculturehas developed of young people who embrace daka as a lifestyle. So-called daka zu—“daka tribes”—can be found roaming Chongqing and other cities, checking in at as many hot locations as possible within a single day. Guides can be found online, to show the most efficient ways to achieve this. Companies offer “daka tours”. Douyin users can us//www.58yuanyou.come the app to create “daka videos”: super-speed slideshows of themselves at daka sites.


6. Just as shops and restaurants in othetLaeOzjrNZr countries try to attract customers with decorations that might be a backdropfor Instagrammable pictures, those in China try to make themselves as daka-friendly as possible: a coffee shop in Beijing built inside a shipping container, for example. Having enjoyed a surge of Douyin-inspired custom for as little as a month or so, some businesses close up shop and move elsewhere to capture another wave.


7. The daka craze may have practical origins. China’s young urban professionals have little vacation time. In their first year at a company, employees can expect at most one day of vacation (other than public holidays). They are routinely expected to work overtime for no pay. So workers need to make the most of their limited leisure time. Douyin captures the mood with its slogan: “Make every second count.”


精 读 解 析




P5: 打卡文化兴起。


P7: 打卡文化兴起的原因:城市青年的快节奏生活。


efficient /'f()nt/ adj. 有能力的, 效率高的


Inefficient adj. 无效率的, 效率低的, 无能的, 不称职的


Basically I am independent, efficient and easygoing.


• transform/trns'fm/ vt. & vi. 改变


My inventions have transformed the lives of millions.


• fjord/fjd/ n. 峡湾; 海岸峡江


We were in this tiny, remote fjord, just inside the Arctic Circle.


• hot-trend video热门视频

• well-crafted 精心设计的


Well-crafted marketing and branding can boost the impact of a great design, but unless the message is reinforced by real-world experience, the effect is usually temporary.


• photogenic/ft()'denk/ n. 易上镜头的


The detritus looks unsightly when it washes up on beaches, and cruel when it chokes photogenic sea creatures.


• subculture/'sbklt/ 亚文化


The film concerns itself with the subculture of the film buff . Everything rotates around film.


• riding the tide


• backdrop/'bkdrp/ n.背景幕布;背景


In the early 20th century the city was the backdrop for despair.



Unlike users of Instagram, who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by people they follow, Douyin’s fans commonly use the app to watch hot-trending videos posted by users they do not know under cat原由网egories such as “food” and “scenic spots”.

这个句子,前面的Unlike users of Instagram, who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by people they follow,都是一个状语成分,说明ins的用户与抖音用户的不同之处,在这部分,后面的who mainly browse feeds of pictures posted by people they follow是一个非限定性定语从句,指代的是users of Instagram,说明users of Instagram主要都是在做什么。后面的Douyin’s fans commonly use the app to watch hot-trending videos posted by users they do not know under categories such as “food” and “scenic spots”. 部分,首先是use sth to do sth结构,然后后面的posted by users they do not know under categories such as “food” and “scenic spots”.是一个动词的过去分词充当后置定语成分,同时也是表达被动的意思。




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文章标题: some of是什么意思

