go on a trip to sp造句



你会不会偶尔有一种冲动: 想要一次旅原由网行,特别想暂时离开自己的城市,换个全新的自己再重新开始?

当我们年龄越大,理想就离我们越远,我们越愿意窝在一个地方安安静静、平平淡淡的。旅行以“身未动,心以远”的方式存在我们身体里,这就是成年人的“诗与远方” 。


孩子:妈妈,我想长高 !








Why traveling is important

The Value of Travel

1. Traveling improves your health.2. Traveling lets you disconnect from your daily life.3. Traveling makes you smarter.4. Traveling improves your understanding of other cultures.5. Traveling makes you more interesting.6. Traveling allows you to try amazing food.7. Traveling makes you feel like an adventurer.8. Traveling expands your (real) social network.9. Traveling lets you create lLifetime memories.10. Traveling makes you love your home even more.

go on a trip to sp造句



关于旅行,小朋友会说简单的句子,认识各种交通工具,会用by+交通工具、on foot即可。认识交通工具3岁左右的孩子就能掌握了,这个年龄的孩子对“轮子类物品”非常感兴趣,甚至无需刻意学习,在路上见到告诉他就可以了,家里配合看交通题材的儿歌或动画。

Travel through the world

I want to be a travel guide

Travel for kids


bus car taxi ship

boat bike plane train

subway scooter truck motorcycle


I'm on a boat/scooter/bus .

on foot

I go to sc原由网hool on foot.


I'm on my way.

Let's go on a trip.

Let's get on a plane.


I like to travel by train/ship/plane/taxi/bus/car .


We're in a car.

They're in a balloon.


I take a train to London.

Will he take take a plane to New York?

go on a trip to sp造句



1. 常用旅行词汇Travel Vocabulary

go on a trip go on a tour

go on a vacation go sightseeing

go on a city tour

go on an excursion

travel agency tour guide

book a flight

book a hotel room

book a train ticket

get a visa passport

get travel insurance

get foreign currency

check in take photos

check out have a nice trip

one-way trip flight fare

one-way trip ticket train fare

take a trip to... destination

go on a trip to... hire a car/bike

pack your things single room

pack your suitcase double room

exchange money luggage

see off off to=going to

set off take off

go on a trip to sp造句

2. 旅行常用语Travel conversation

A: Where are you going ?

B: To the beach/airport .

A: Please have your boarding pass and passport ready.

B: Here they are.

A: Where will you be staying ?

B: At the Grand Hotel.

A: Would you like to pay by credit card or by cash ?

B: I will use my credit card.

A: I need some cash. Where can I find an ATM ?

B: It's over the bridge.

go on a trip to sp造句


Visit Louvre Museum

M:卢浮宫管理员 ; V游客。

M: Hi,welcome to the Louvre Museum .

V: Hi. I'd like three tickets,please .

M: Actually,general admission to the Louvre Museum is free, you just have to pay separately for the exhibitions.

V: Oh... Great ! I didn't realise that. What do you have on at the moment ?

M: We have a wonderful Leonardo da Vinci exhibition, which I'd highly recommend.

We also have exhibitions by Picasso and Vincent Van Gogh.

V: I'd love to see the Leonardo da Vinci exhibition.

How much are the tickets ?

M: They're nineteen euros for adults and six euros for children under 16.

V: We also have a 8-year-old with us.

Do we need a ticket for him ?

M: No, under-10s get in free.

V: OK,so two adults and one child then, please .

go on a trip to sp造句



1. 视频资源, 共10集

go on a trip to sp造句

2. T原由网ravel & Transportation cards 旅行和交通主题闪卡 共 36张。

go on a trip to sp造句

go on a trip to sp造句

3. 旅行主题活动 Can I check your passport ?

将学生分成A/B 组,每个人发一张 Boarding Pass,可填写自己的信息,A/B组轮流确认登机信息,可参考下图完成。

go on a trip to sp造句


go on a trip to sp造句

4. Roll dice and play the game 飞行棋游戏,掷骰子,按照骰子上的数字前进,并说出对应的交通工具,读出单词,或者说一句含有该交通工具的句子。

go on a trip to sp造句

5. Travelling crosswords 旅行英语字谜

go on a trip to sp造句

6. Let's talk about travel conversation card 口语练习卡,根据卡片提示练习口语。

go on a trip to sp造句


文章标题: go on a trip to sp造句

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/254801.html
