


New Horizons 语言文学课程适合3-11年级学生,课程读物皆选用美国中小学必读经典篇目,课程结合中国学生的学习特点,并以美国Common Core State Standards为标准从最基础的培养阅读习惯和兴趣,到让学生在阅读、写作、逻辑推理、文学品味等方面全面提高。

在接下来的课程中,我们的语言文学课将进入第二单元的学习。秋季课程第一单元的小说广受学生喜欢,其中Middle Year年级阅读的小说The Graveyard Book,因其生动有趣的语言、优美的遣词造句和引人入胜的故事情节,得到了同学们的一致好评。


Young Starters (G3)

Young Starters (G3) 秋季课程主题,学生主要阅读“儿童冒险类型”的小说,课程将围绕“冒险、成长”展开,培养孩子们的想象力和创造力。


Graveyard Scavenger Hunt


在阅读这本书的时候,读者很容易产生代入感,和Pete 一起体验,以及运用智慧和常识战胜坏蛋,并变得勇敢。小说语言生动有趣,篇幅适中,是一本适合Young Starters打开想象力和创造力的佳作,优美的语句还能提高他们的写作水平。


Early Years (G4-5)




女孩Caroline 和爸爸妈妈一起搬进了一座旧屋,她在屋里发现了一扇紧锁的门。在好奇心的驱使下,她打开了这扇门,原来这是一扇通往另一个世界的神秘之门。Caroline发现了在这个不一样的世界里,她有另外一个对她“百般宠爱的妈妈”——试图控制她,Caroline该如何逃脱她的陷阱,一场惊心动魄的博弈就此展开...

这本小说使用了不多的魔法元素,却蕴涵着丰富的寓意。真实和虚幻、诚恳和伪诈、正直和邪恶,诸多对立关系都被两幢外形和内设相同的房子通过一道古老的门联系在一起。这个故事通过镜像折射出生活的真实面。课程结束,学生需要创作一个富有冒险情节的短故事,故事必须结构合理, 内容连贯。



Middle Years (G6-7)

Middle Years(G6-7) 秋季课程的另一期主题是关于“勇敢、爱、冒险和责任


Miss Peregrine’s House for Peculiar Children





Upper Years (G8-9)

Upper Years(G8-9) 秋季课程第二阶段的主题是关于“好奇心和了解未知的真相。



自爱尔兰著名小说家Bram Stoker出版《Dracula》以来,这本书已经在全世界享有极高的知名度。Dracula伯爵住在欧洲一个名叫Transylvania 的地方。阴森的城堡、晦暗的灯光,还有妖冶的女人。当年轻的Johnathan离开美丽的未婚妻,前往Dracula伯爵的住处时,他发现眼前的这一切不过是一个开始,Johnathan认为,自己步入了一个不被世人所知的地方,那个地方居住着一种传说中的生灵




Pre AP/IB (G10-11)



Jamaica Inn

Jamaica Inn 讲述了一个双亲离世、孤苦无依的女孩Mary,她只身前往边远小城投奔自己的姨妈,路上遇见了偷马贼Jem,而姨妈与姨父杰斯Joss是牙买加客栈的主人。原本是想投靠亲人,但却在这个客栈里发现了隐藏着的一系列不可告人的秘密...Jamaica Inn 是一部佳作并被拍成电影,口碑载道。这本小说受到哥特派小说的影响,故事情节充满了神秘离奇、凄凉萧瑟的色彩。作者在勾勒人物性格时,注重表现女性的坚强、聪慧和勇敢,值得读者细细品读。

Pre AP/IB课程,学生将进入英语文学高级阶段的学习。学生在对故事情节和文学主题分析讨论的同时,需要理解各种修辞方法,摘取文章要点并进行文本总结课堂上,我们的老师也会补充对作品写作风格和文学名言的分析讲解,从而帮助学生提高阅读理解能力和写作技巧,为将来的标化考试和大学课程做准备。课程结束,学生需要根据要求完成一篇分析性的长论文。




In the western education system, there is a history of special reading assignments arranged for children. The western educational standard is based on reading ability which is reflected in children's writing .

Based on this concept, American teachers often combine reading and writing tasks together. What’s more, reading and writing cultivates children's imagination and logical thinking. This is the secret of American children's ability to advance quickly in academics; their superior reading and writing skills enable them to absorb and digest large amounts of information efficiently.

New Horizons Language Arts is a comprehensive reading & writing course for Grades 3-11. The courses are designed by New Horizons instructors based on the Common Core State Standards. These courses combine the habits and characteristics of Chinese students and select reading materials from a list of award-winning books.

These books are chosen from those commonly used in American primary and secondary schools. In the first grade we start with the basics, such as learning habits, interests and confidence, and then we move on to reading and writing skills, and finally to reasoning and analyzing skills.

This coming week, the Language Arts course will enter another unit of study. We are very grateful to parents and children for their cooperation and support with the teachers.

It is with the help of everyone concerned that the students’ language ability has improved. The novels in the first unit of the Autumn Course are very popular among students. The Graveyard Book, the Middle Years reading task, has been well received by students for its interesting language and engaging storyline.

We believe that the novels in the next courses are equally attractive. If there are any students wishing to join us in the follow-up language arts course, please contact our office!

Here is a brief introduction to our another unit of autumn coursethemes.

Young Starters (G3)

For the fall course, students will be introduced to novels from the “Adventure" genre. These stories are written around "adventurous events" that will cultivate children's imagination and stimulate their creativity.


Graveyard Scavenger Hunt

This is a funny book! It has just the right balance between scary and funny scenes, and I'm sure young readers will be eager to join Pete on his adventurous scavenger hunt. Right from the start, the story creates a nice creepy atmosphere, but it never gets too unsettling, as they are often followed by funny scene. Fortunately, those are never too childish or stupid, but just right to loosen up the mood a bit before Pete has to face his next task from the list.

When reading this book, it is easy for readers to sympathize with Pete right from the start, and I bet every kid will easily identify with him, sharing his doubts and fears, but also his moments of courage. The novels language is lively and interesting, and the length is moderate. It is a good work for young starters to open their imagination and creativity. Beautiful sentences can also improve their writing level.


Early Years (G4-5)

In this course, students will read suspense and fairytale stories. The theme of the course will focus on the importance of family; how to be brave in the face of adversity, and learn to treasure the people around you.



When Coraline steps through a door to find another house strangely similar to her own (only better), things seem marvelous. But there's another mother there, and another father, and they want her to stay and be their little girl. They want to change her and never let her go. Coraline will have to fight with all her wit and courage if she is to save herself and return to her ordinary life.

This novel uses a lot of magical elements, but it contains a lot of meaning. Reality and illusion; sincerity and falsehood; integrity and evil; many opposing relationships are connected by two old houses with one door. What we are going to learn is not magic, but through the mirror to understand the truth – our families always care about us. At the end of the course, students are asked to create a short story with adv//www.58yuanyou.comenturous plots that must be structured and coherent.



Middle Years (G6-7)

The topics of the Middle Years (G6-7) fall course are Family, Love, Adventure and Responsibility.


Miss Peregrine’s House for Peculiar Children

The 15-year-old boy, Jacob, has a tranquil life. His grandpa usually talks with him about strange things, but with Grandpa’s sudden departure, Jacob realizes he can see the “monsters” that others could not. Jacob is considered to have a mental illness, so in order to pursue the truth about Grandpa's past, he must go to the island that grandfather was raised on, and so opens the door to a magical world...

For this term, students will learn how to use narrative techniques for fantasy novels. Our teachers will explore the fun of English language arts through creative writing topics, classroom grammar activities, and group discussions. They will help students master grammar, vocabulary, and rhetoric, while improving their critical thinking, logic, and novel analysis skills.Based on the understanding of the story, students will be required to complete their own book report, and write a creative essay.



Upper Years(G8-9)

One of the themes of our autumn course is"curiosity and the desire to know the truth. "



Dracula, by Bram Stoker. Bram Stoker's 1897 novel is the most famous vampire tale ever told. British solicitor Jonathan Harker finds himself imprisoned in a castle in Transylvania and begins to believe his host, Count Dracula, is not entirely human. As his horror mounts, he suspects that Dracula plans to invade and conquer England, one victim at a time.

Students writing assignment will be to research an author who has written Gothic literature. Imagine you are a journalist from the New York Times and have been asked to write about the passing of one author, you are to write his/her obituar原由网y.An obituary is usually written in paragraph from and covers the life of the person in chronological order.



Pre AP/IB (G10-11)

The fall course will focus on “family, courage and how to deal with loss; how to defeat the sense of scare and learn to protect the person you love.


Jamaica Inn

The coachman tried to warn Mary away from the ruined, forbidding place on the rain swept Cornish coast. But young Mary chose instead to honor her mother's dying request that she join her frightened Aunt Patience and huge, hulking Uncle Joss Merlyn at Jamaica Inn. From her first glimpse on that raw November eve, she could sense the inn's dark power… Jamaica Inn is a masterpiece and was produced into movie. This novel is influenced by Gothic novels, and the storyline is full of mysterious and bizarre, with bleak colors. When the author outlines the personalities of the character, she pays attention to the strong, intelligent and courageous performance of the woman, which is worth appreciat原由网ing by the reader.

In this session,students will learn how to analyze and discuss the storyline and literary themes, and understand various rhetorical methods, extract the main points of the story and summarize the text. In the classroom, our teachers will also add analytical explanations of writing styles and literary quotes to help students improve their reading comprehension and writing skills, This will help prepare them for their future standardized exams and eventual university courses. At the end of the course, students will be required to complete an analytical composition原由网.




文章标题: 用departure造句子简单

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/233182.html
