描写你去广州的经历 英语作文

描写你去广州的经历 英语作文



重庆B卷 在我们成长的道路,朋友是不可或缺的那道风景。在相知相伴的岁月里,留下了多少美好的故事和难忘的回忆! 某英语报社以“A Story Between My Friend and Me”为题开展征文活动,请你按要求用英语写一篇文章参赛。


1. 故事必须原创;

2. 80-120词,开头已给出,不计入总词数;

3. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。


1. 分享故事(起因,经过,结果……);

2. 表达感受(幸福,感动,思考……);

3. ……


A Story Between My Friend and Me

There is always something unforgettable in my life, especially the story between my friend and me. One thing happened in the past had a deep influence on me.

Here is the story. On a rainy day, I suddenly fell down and hurt myself badly. My left leg was broken. So I had to stay in hospital for about one month and I was worried about my study. Then my friend Mingming came to see me. When he knew about that, he said he could help me with my study. On hearing this, I didn’t feel worried any more. From that day on, he taught me every day. I was so moved. I didn’t fall behind the other students with Mingming’s help. I thanked him a lot.

In my opinion, friends are very important in our life. No matter what happen, true friends will always be friends.


山东枣庄 把书面表达答案写在答题卡第七节的横线上。

Write a review of the following story in about 90 words. The review has to include the following points:

1. The name of your review.

2. The idea(原由网s) of your review.

3. The reason(s) for your idea(s).

4. Something you decide after you consider all the information in the story.

“ Cock-a-doodle-doo!” cried the cock(公鸡). He stood in the farm-yard and cried aloud, so that all people might hear him. “Cock-a-diidke-doo! How useful I am, for I always get up first. And I cry about as soon as the sun rises to make all people in the house wake.”

“Cluck! Cluck! Cluck!”cried the hen from the yard. She was walking about with three pretty little chickens, and trying to find some food for them. “Cluck! Cluck! Cluck! I’m more useful than you. Almost every day I lay a nice fresh egg for my master’s (男主人)breakfast. Then think how useful I am to my mistress(女主人). How many nice things does she make with my eggs for the children? She could not get on well without eggs.”


The Use of the Cock and the hen

The cock is useful.He always gets up first and cries,“Cock-a-diidke-doo!”to wake all people in the house up.

The hen is useful too.On the one hand,she tries to find food for pretty little chickens;on the other hand,she lays a nice fresh egg for her master’s breakfast.Her mistress makes many things with her eggs for the children.She could get on well with eggs.

In a word,both the cock and the hen are useful.It is wrong of them to see their own use only instead of seeing each other’s use.




描写你去广州的经历 英语作文

内容包括:1. 简要描述调查结果原由网

2. 谈一谈中学生应该如何度过一个有意义的周末(至少两条)。

要求:1. 词数:80-100。开头已给出,不计入总词数。

2. 文中不得出现真实的校名和人名。

We did a survey about middle school students’ weekend activities. Here are the results. _______

_______________________________________________________________ ___________


江苏苏州 假定你是苏华,你最近认识的英国笔友David给你发了一封电子邮件,想了解你初中三年来在学习和生活方而的一些收获、困惑和感受。请认真阅读下而的邮件,根据信中的内容及你的实际用英语回复。

描写你去广州的经历 英语作文





Dear David,

Thank you so much for your email. I’m very happy to tell you about my school life.

How about your school life? Write to me soon.

Best wishes,

Su Hua


Dear David,

Thank you so much for your email. I’m very happy to tell you about my school life.

I like the Football Club best because I’ve made quite a few friends by joining the club. Moreover, it’s an excellent chance to learn team spirit.

However, I’ve also met some problems over the three years. The biggest one is how to achieve a balance between my schoolwork and my hobbies. Whenever I am in great need, my English teacher always comes to me, so she is the person who has helped me most in the junior high school.

In all, I enjoy my school life because it’s colourful and meaningful.

How about your school life? Write to me soon.

Best wishes,

Su Hua

浙江丽水假设你是Li Ming, 你的笔友Lisa想了解在毕业之际, 你将为母校做些什么有意义的事.从下表所列的五项内容中, 至少选择两项, 用英语给Lisa写一封电子邮件.

描写你去广州的经历 英语作文


(1)文中必须包括所选内容括号内的提示, 并适当发挥;




Hello Lisa,

How is it going? It’s time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school.

Li Ming


Hello Lisa,

How is it going? It’s time for me to leave school. You ask me what I can do for my school. Here are my plans that l would like to share with you. First of all, I will volunteer to do some cleaning with my classmates, such as cleaning the windows and sweeping the floors. To keep our school clean, we will ask our schoolmates not to litter at school. Also, I will give away my favorite books to the school library so that our younger schoolmates can read more good books. And I will call on more schoolmates to do so.

It’s YypfdTcKreally hard for me to say goodbye. I wish my school to have a better future.

Li Ming


四川南充 请你根据以下思维导图,用英语写一封email 给他介绍一下南充。

描写你去广州的经历 英语作文





Dear Frank,

I'm glad to hear that you will come to Nanchong this summer vacation.

Hope to see you!


Li Hua


Dear Frank,

I’m glad to hear that you will come to Nanchong this summer vacation. Nanchong is a great city with a long history. You can watch North Sichuan Puppetry and know about Chen Shou, a well-known historian. He wrote a book called Records of the Three Kingdoms.

There are many places of interest in Nanchong. You can visit Langzhong Ancient City. The buildings are so amazing. And y原由网ou can enjoy the fantastic Jialing River and the wonderful Mount Lingyun. If you want to relax yourself, make sure to try Zhangfei Beef, Clear Noodles in Chili Sauce and other delicious food. Besides, you can have fun and buy something special for your family and friends at Wangfujing Mall.

Hope to see you!


Li Hua

湖南邵阳 “美丽邵阳我的家,人人都要爱护她”。“创卫活动”使得我们的街道更干净,河水更清 澈……作为邵阳的一份子,我们需要身体力行。请谈谈你平时是怎么做的。

要求:1. 80 词左右,开头已给出,不计入词数。


提示词:not litter ; collect the trash ; plant trees ; clean the streets ; water the flowers


Shaoyang is a beautiful city with a long history. It’s our hometown and it has changed a lot in the past few years. To make it be more and more beautiful , I often keep my room clean at home. On weekend s, I do some cleaning in my n eighborhood. I usually go to the park near my house on Sundays. I always co llect the trash when I find it around the park. I never litter and I ask my classmates not to litter a t school. Sometimes I water the flowers in my school. Sometimes I plant trees on the hill near the school. My teachers take us to clean the streets once a month. There are a lot of things we can do. In order to make our city more and more beautiful, let’s work together and do our best.


浙江金华 假如你应邀参加一个国际读书会,并将分享自己读过的一本好书。请根据下列表格中的要点,用英语写一篇短文,介绍你要分享的书。

描写你去广州的经历 英语作文







短文首句:The book I’d like to share with you is The Old Man and the Sea.


甘肃武威 今天是西方的“父亲节”,请根据以下的提示以My Best Dad为题写一篇短文介绍自己的父亲。

描写你去广州的经历 英语作文


2. 可根据图片发挥想象、适量拓展;

3. 句子及篇章结构准确、连贯,书写规范;

4. 词数:80 -100词左右;

5. 文中不得出现父亲的真实姓名、工作单位及考生的任何个人相关倍息。

My Best Dad

My dad is the best man I know. He is 45 years old. He is so good at making my whole family happy. When he comes home from work, he likes to tell us something interesting he’s heard or read during the day. And his pockets are full of chocolates that always make me happy. He likes eating noodles best. My favorite memory of my dad is that he always wants to keeping me from making mistakes but he tries to let me find my own way, even though his heart breaks in silence when I get hurt. This is my best dad. I love him and I’m so proud of him.


安徽省 假如你是李华,你们学校将举行“弘扬中华传统文化——戏曲进校园”展演活动,你打算邀请你的美国朋友Mike参加。请你根据以下提示用英文给他写一封电子邮件。

1. 时间:7月1日下午2点;

2. 地点:学校操场;

3. 内容:文化展览、节目表演等。

提示词:戏曲opera n. 表演performance n.

注意:1. 词数80~100;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;

4. 开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。

Dear Mike,

I know you are interested in Chinese traditional culture.


Li Hua


Dear Mike,

I know you are interested in Chinese culture.

Now, I have a piece of good news to share with you, There is an activity about Chinese traditional Opera at 2:00 p.m. on July 1. It will be held on the playground in our school and all the student will attend. On that day, a culture show and many wonderful opera performance will be put on. It is a chance for you to learn more about Chinese traditional culture. Come and join us! I think we’ll have a great time!

I’m looking forward your early reply.

Yours ,

Li hua


广东广州 假如你发明的“飞行单车”在学校科技节中获奖,被推荐参加一个国际青少年科技展览。请用英语介绍你的发明,内容包括图中1-4项。


(1)参考词汇:轮子wheel 太阳能solar power




这篇写作与八年级上册Unit 4的writing部分的My invention—a flying car贴合度高达99%!英语书面表达与考生生活息息相关,让考生有话可说。













描写你去广州的经历 英语作文




文章标题: 描写你去广州的经历 英语作文

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/173602.html
