



春节由来Origin of Spring Festival

中国农历新年称为春节,春节的另一名称叫过年,是中国最盛大、最热闹、最隆重的一个古代传统节日,是中国人所独有的,也是象征团圆、兴旺同时对末来寄予新的希望的佳节。春节一般指除夕和正月初一。据记载,中国人过春节已有4000多年的历史。关于春节的起源有多种说法,但其中为公众普遍接受的说法是,虞舜时期即公前2000多年的一天,舜继天子位,带领着部下人员,祭拜天地。从此,人们就把这一天当作岁首。据说这就是农历新年的由来,后来叫春节。据说,我国古代民间早已有过年的风俗,但那时并不叫春节,把农历新年正式定名为春节,是辛亥革命后的事, 由于那时要改用阳历,为了区分农历、阳历,所以只好将农历正月初一改名为“春节”。

The Chinese lunar New Year is called Spring Festival, another name for the Spring Festival is Chinese New Year. It is the largest, most lively and most solemn ancient traditional festival in China. It is unique to Chinese people and also a festival that symbolizes reiGybCunion, prosperity and new hopes for the future. The Spring Festival generally refers to New Year's eve and the first day of the first lunar month. It is recorded that Chinese people have celebrated the Spring Festival for more than 4,000 years. There are many versions about the origin of the Spring Festival, but the one widely accepted by the public is that one day in 2000 BC during the reign of emperor Yushun, Shun succeeded the throne and led his subordinates to worship heaven and earth. From then on, people regard this day as the beginning of the year. It is said that this is the origin of the lunar New Year, later called the Spring Festival.China's ancient folks already had the customs of the Spring Festival for long long time, but it was not officially called the Spring Festival until the revolutiiGybCon of 1911, in order to distinguish the lunar calendar and the solar calendar, we had to rename the first day of the first lunar month to "Spring Festival".


春节传说Folk tales of Spring Festival


In ancient times, there was a fierce monster called “Nian”, they ate human fleshes and kill creatures at all villages every lunar December 30. One night on lunar December 30th, Nian arrived at a village where two cowboys were racing bullwhips, "Nian" suddenly heard the sounds of firecrackers in the air, scared and ran away. He ran to another village and saw a bright red coat hanging on the front door, he didn't know what it was, he was so frightened and ran away. Then he came to another village, and looked into a house, there were brilliant lights inside, which made him headache, so he slipped away quickly. People figured out the weaknesses of "Nian", such as being afraid of noise, red and light, so they thought of many ways to resist it, and gradually evolved into the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival today.


春节美食The Spring Festival foods


The Spring Festival foods mainly include: rice cake, dumplings, Ciba, Tangyuan, poached eggs, big meatballs, whole fish, wine, oranges, apples, peanuts, melon seeds, candy, tea and 原由网Chinese dishes. Especially New Year's eve dinner, it had great significance: Firstly, the whole family must get together, those who do not return must leave a seat and a set of tableware to reflect the meaning of reunion. Secondly, rich foods, pay attention to "talk with good & lucky words".


春节活动The Spring Festival activities


The lucky money was originally intended to drive away evils and ghosts, and gradually formed the customs of the Spring Festival. Chinese eat dumplings, Tangyuan, rice cakes at Spring Festival for good luck, reunion and promotion every year. Dragon dance was originally used to worship and entertainwww.58yuanyou.com the gods during the Spring Festival, and later developed into a folk literature and art activity. Setting off fireworks and firecrackers are aged customs of the Spring Festival, it intended to drive out evil and plague, get geely peace, welcome and celebrate the lunar New Year.




文章标题: 关于春节的由来怎么用英语缩写

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/80537.html
