

Getting Caught in the Rain

Margo: Oh geez, you’re drenched (湿透的)!It wasn’t supposed to rain today.

Ali: I know. I looked at the weather reportlast night and it was supposed to be a nice day. That’s the last time I trust those weathercasters (气象预报播音员,天气预报广播员)!I hate getting caught in(陷入;遇到)the rain. I’m soakingwet(全身湿透的).


Margo: WhenI felt a raindrop(雨滴;雨点) on my head this morning, I should have known that we were in for a big rainstorm (暴风雨;大暴雨).Right then, I should have gone back into my house to get an umbrella (雨伞),but as usual, I was running late.

Ali: I can’t believe I have to go out on salewww.58yuanyou.coms calls today. I’m not looking forward to getting back in my car when it’s raining cats and dogs(倾盆大雨) out ther原由网e.


Margo: Somebody in this office must have an umbrella you can borrow for the day. I’ll go see.

Ali: Thanks. It looks like it’s only dri原由网zzling(下毛毛雨) nOxeycORmhow. Maybe it’s letting up (停止;减弱).


Margo: Don’t count on it (指望;依靠).It’ll be pouring(下倾盆大雨) again in a minute. Let me see if I can round up(to look for, find, and get something)an umbrella and maybe even a raincoatOxeycORmh(雨衣).

Ali: Thanks. I’ll be in the bathroom wringing() out my clothes. What a miserable(糟糕的) day!




soaking wet


count on

depend on

rely on

rest upon


get caught in the heavy rain



Describing Winds and Storms

Ali: It’s just our luck(偏偏就是这样倒霉)that as soon as we arrive here for our island vacation, there’s a hurricane(暴风;飓风) warning!

Mariela: It’s uncanny, isn’t it? On last year’s vacation, we crossed paths(偶遇;不期而遇)with atornado([t:'neidu] 龙卷风) and now this.

Ali: Yeah, that tornado was something. I had experienced windstorms(风暴) before with really strong gusts(阵风;阵) of wind, but it was nothing like that tornado. Do you remember the way all of the windows, doors, and even walls rattled (发出嘎嘎声)? The tornado blew down(吹倒;吹毁) power lines and uprooted(连根拔起) trees!


Mariela: That was terrifying. Do you think we’ll have another experience like that this time?

Ali: I really hope not. We came for ocean breezes(微风), but if the hurricane makes landfall (登陆), we’ll have gale(大风;狂风) winds of up to 50 miles per hour!

Mariela: And we’re trapped here! What should we do?

Ali: We’ll just buckle down(镇定) and wait it out (等等吧;耐心等待). With any luck, the hurricane will miss the island altogether.

Mariela: With our luck, what’s the likelihoodof that happening?!



文章标题: 读了这篇故事用英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/255106.html
