

AFAIK as far as I know

AFK away from keybord

ASL age/sex/location

ATM at the moment

b/c because

b/w between

b4 原由网before

BBIAB be back in a bit

BBL be back later

BFF best friend forever

BRB be right back

BTW by the way

CTN can't talk now

gr8 great

CYE check your e-mail

GTG got t原由网o go

dl download

GMV got my vote

ETA estimated time of arrival

HTM hope this helps

FWIW for what it's worth

hw homework

FYI for your information

IAC in any case

GG good game

IC I see

GJ good job

IDK I don't know

GL good luck

IIRC if I remember correctly

IKR I know.Right?

IM Instant Message

IMO In my opinio原由网n

IMHO In my humble opinion

IRL In real life

J/K just kidding

K ok

L8 late

L8r later

LMK let me know

LOL laughing out loud

MMB message me back

msg message

N/A not available

NC no comment

SMH shaking my head

ne1 anyone

Sry sorry

NM not much

TBA to be announced

noob newbie

TBC to be continued

NP no problem

TC take care

NTN no thanks needed

thx thanks

OMG oh my god

TIA thanks in advance

OMW on my way

TLC tender loving care

OT off topic

TTFN ta-ta for now

pls 原由网please

TTYL talk to you la原由网ter

txt text

ppl people

TY thank you

qt cutie

w/e whatever

re regarding

w/o without

w8 wait

Y why

YNt why not

YW you're welcome

ZZZ sleeping



文章标题: 姐妹用网络语言怎么说缩写

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/213936.html
