设计专业 英语怎么说

设计专业 英语怎么说



来自南安普顿大学的两位教授将Art, Design和Media专业领域的一些关键词和概念进行整理和解释,编撰了一本针对国际学生的重要工具书。思璞教研组特地将本书进行整理,以微信推送的形式陆续发布。

设计专业 英语怎么说






judge, judgement

To determine or declare after consideration or deliberation; to have as an opinion or assumption; to suppose; to make a considered decision about something. In art history and criticism one comes to thoughtful conclusions about a原由网 work’s technical, historical or cultural significance after describing, analysing and interpreting it. Such conclusions might concern relationships to the styles of other works, a work’s influence on other artists’ works or a work’s impact on the lives of its viewers. As such, the ability to make judgements based on sound criteria is a central component of the study of art, media and design.

juxtaposition, juxtapose

The act of placing things close together or side by side, so as to permit comparison or contrast. ‘She juxtaposed red and green colours.’



The sensory experience of the body’s movement. Physical awareness of the body’s position in space.


Expressing movement. ‘The design was powerfully kinetic.’

kinetic art

Sculpture that moves, such as a mobile. Examples include the work of Naum Gabo (worked in Germany and the US, born Russia, 1890–1977), Alexander Calder (American, 1898–1976) and Jean Tinguely (Swiss, 1925–91).

kitsch art

Art and design characterised by empty sentimentality, and often pretentious poor taste. Art and design that is typically clumsy, repetitive and excessively and intentionally commercial. Artists whose works have been considered kitsch are William-Adolphe Bouguereau (French, 1825–1905), Maxfield Parrish (American, 1870–1966), Norman Rockwell (American, 1894–1978) and Soviet and Nazi art. Among contemporary examples, the work of Thomas Kinkade (American, 1958–2012) has been called kitsch. The opposite of kitsch art is avant-garde art.


A method of constructing a fabric. Fabric is formed by the intermeshing of loops of yarn. This method of construction can be done by hand or by machine.

knowledge, know

Expertise and skills acquired by a person through experience or education; the theoretical or practical understanding of a subject; what is known in a particular field or in total; facts and information. In its verb form, to be absolutely certain or sure about something. ‘His knowledge of English art was impressive.’



A rubbery substance used as a binder in latex paints, as a moulding compound and as the basis of certain adhesives.

letter space

In typography, letter space is the placement or retention of space between characters. The horizontal space between lines of type is called leading.


A heading that usually consists of a name, an address and other contact details, often with a monogram or logo, printed on a sheet of letter-writing paper.


Drawing or creating letters used in words. In contrast to cursive writing, this action is sometimes referred to as ‘printing’. But the use of the term ‘printing’ in this sense should not be confused with making multiple identical images.

liberal arts

The humanities, or non-scientific branches of study, such as philosophy, literature and art, that are concerned with human thought and culture.


The act of drawing the human figure from a live (often nude) model. Also each such drawing produced.

limited edition

An edition or set of prints of a specific number of impressions, usually fewer than two hundred, numbered and signed by the artist.


A technique in which forms are created using contours or outlines. The opposite of painterly.

linear perspective

A system of drawing or painting invented in Italy in the fifteenth century in which the artist attempts to create the illusion of spatial depth on a two-dimensional surface. It uses consistent geometric rules for rendering objects as they appear to the human 原由网eye. The lines of buildings and other objects in a picture are slanted inward, making them appear to extend back into space. If lengthened, these lines will meet at a point along an imaginary horizontal line representing the eye level. Each such imaginary line is called an orthogonal. The point at which such lines meet is called a vanishing point.

l原由网inseed oil

An oil used as a medium or binder for oil paint.


A printing process involving a hard, flat surface.


The science that investigates the principles governing correct or reliable inference. A particular method of reasoning or argumentation; the system or principles of reasoning applicable to any branch of knowledge or study; reason or sound judgement, as in utterances or actions.


According to or agreeing with the principles of logic. ‘He made a logical argument for why he had created his work.’


A name, symbol or trademark designed for easy and definite recognition.


A machine used to produce cloth by weaving.

low art

The lesser or minor arts, including the decorative and applied arts, with the suggestion tha//www.58yuanyou.comt these are low partly because of poor manufacturing and inferior materials. Also art of superficial kitsch value, simply satisfying popular and commercial taste and based on an unreflective acceptance of the conventional view of reality. The boundary between high and low art has become unclear in the contemporary art scene. Its place has been taken by discussion of popular culture or mass culture.


Simplified forms of capital letters that gained this alternative name from the standard location in which typesetters stored them. Along with capital letters (also known as upper-case), they now serve as the form of most typographic communication.


An effect used in painting that suggests the illusion of light coming from within the picture.

设计专业 英语怎么说


艺术设计专业英语(A)| 思璞课堂


文章标题: 设计专业 英语怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/185593.html
