sees 用英文怎么说


sees 用英文怎么说



sees 用英文怎么说

The story takes place in an apocalyptic future where, as the sun dies, the world government decides to physically move Earth away from destruction and embark on a centuries-long voyage to a new solar system. But humanity is threatened with annihilation almost immediately, when scientists discover that Earth is on an apparent collision course with Jupiter.



① 我原来以为家在身后,现在才知道:家,在前面。

I thought home was behind us. Now I realized that home is ahead of us.

② 无论最终结果将人类历史导向何处,我们决定,选择希望!

Regardless of the outcome for the history of mankind, we have decided to choose hope.

③ 让人类始终保持理智,是一种奢望。

It is impossible to ask human beings to keep rational.

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④ 道路千万条,安全第一条。行车不规范,亲人两行泪。

Among tens of thousands of matters, safety is the very first one. Irregular operations will make your loved ones shed tears.

⑤ 3,2,1...抬头

Three, two, one. Look up!

⑥ 人类的勇气和坚毅必将被镌刻在星空之下。

The mankind’s courage and resolution will be witnessed and remembered by stars.

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⑦ 希望是像钻石一样珍贵的东西!希望,希望是我们唯一回家的方向。

Hope is as precious as diamond, which is //www.58yuanyou.comthejtspxi only way home.

⑧ 没有人类的文明毫无意义。

Without human beings, civilization would be meaningless.

⑨ 同归于尽总好过坐以待毙。

Dying in fighting is better than dying in waiting.

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⑩ 跨过晨昏线,便是永夜。

Across the terminator is the everlasting night.

前些日子,中国科技馆宣布永久馆藏《流浪地球》电影,这是它首次收藏电影作品。《流浪地球》(The Wandering Earth)英文版的原著片段与大家分享:

sees 用英文怎么说

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I have never seen the night. I have never seen the stars. I have never seen spring, fall, or winter. I was born as the Braking Era ended, just as the Earth stopped turning.


From where I lived, I could see the bright plasma beams of hundreds of engines. Imagine an enormous palace, as big as the Parthenon on the Acropolis. Inside the palace, countless massive columns rise up to the vaulted ceiling, each one blazing with the blue-white light of a fluorescent tube. And you, you are just a germ on the palace’s floor. That was the world I lived in.

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Finally, we glimpsed the gut-chilling flame. At first, it was just a point of light on the horizon, but it quickly grew into a blazing arc. I felt my throat close up in terror. It seemed as if the deck beneath my feet had suddenly vanished. I was falling into the blackness of the sea, falling... Linger fell with me, her spindly frame quivering against mine. Our classmates, everyone else, even the entire world fell into the abyss. Then I remembered the riddle. I had asked our philosophy teacher what color the wall was. He told me that it was black. I thought he was wrong. I always imagined the wall of death would be bright as fresh snow. That was why I had remembered it when I saw the wall of plaswww.58yuanyou.comma. In this era, death was no longer black. It was the color of lightning, and when that final bolt struck, the world would be vaporized in an instant.

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Humanity's escape was a five-step process. First, the Earth Engines would generate thrust in the opposite direction of Earth's movement, halting its rotation. Second, operating at full capacity, the engines would accelerate Earth until it reached escape velocity, flinging it from the solar system. Third, Earth would continue to accelerate as it flew through outer space toward Proxima Centauri. Fourth, the engines would reverse direction, restarting Earth's rotation and decelerating gradually. Fifth, Earth would enter into orbit around Proxima Centauri, becoming its satellite. People called these five steps the “Braking Era”, the “Deserting Era”, the “F//www.58yuanyou.comirst Wandering Era” (during acceleration), the “Second Wandering Era” (during deceleration), and the “Neosolar Era”.


The entire migration process was projected to last 2,500 years, over one hundred generations.

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The carrying capacity of the lifts was very limited. It would take ages to move all three hundred and sixty thousand residents to safety, but there was no nee//www.58yuanyou.comd to scramble for a place on the lifts. The Coalition's Emergency Act had made all necessary arrangements for the evacuation.


Whenever two people meet, there are really six people present. There is each man as he sees himself, each man as the other person sees him, and each man as he real.


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