

Iron meteorite is composed of two kinds of minerals, i.e. iron ore and nickel ore, followed by a small amount of graphite, meteorite ferrophosphate, meteorite chalcogenite, meteorite carbon iron, chromite and meteorite pyrite. Iron meteorites are the remains of the earth that fall on the earth's surface as an alien body. They carry a lot of cosmic information. They are valuable material materials for the generation of human research elements, the formation and evolution of the universe, solar system and earth life, as well as the generation of cosmic disasters and special minerals. They also provide a rare carrier for people to study extraterrestrial life. They are regarded as cultural relics with important scientific and cultural values Specimen.








1. Look at the outer melting shell: the meteorite friction with the atmosphere in the falling process produces high temperature, which makes//www.58yuanyou.com its surface melt and form a thin layer of melting shell.

2. Look at the air seal on the surface: dwww.58yuanyou.comue to the interaction between the meteorite and the large air flow, the air seal will be left on the surface, just like the pressed hand seal.

3. Look at the internal metal: the iron meteorite and the iron meteorite are composed of metal iron, which has a high content of iron and nickel (5% - 10%). There are also metal particles in the chondrite, and small metal particles can be seen on the fresh fracture surface.

4. Look at magnetism: most meteorites contain iron, and 95% of them can be attracted by magnets.

5. Chondrites: most of the meteorites are chondrites (90% of the total). There are a large number of silicate spheres of millimeter size in these meteorites, called chondrites. Round chondrites can be seen on the fresh fracture surface of chondrites.

6. Specific gravity: the specific gravity of iron meteorite is 8g / cm3, which is far greater than that of general rocks on the earth.



Meteorite, known as "extraterrestrial rock", is a kind of stone, iron or iron mixed material, also known as "meteorite", in which the unfurned cosmic meteors outside the earth are separated from their original orbit or scattered in pieces to the appearance of the earth or other planets. Most meteorites come from the asteroid belt, a small part from the moon and Mars. Meteorite is the beauty of the scattered nature, the silent poem and the immortal painting. Many literati and scholars have made an indissoluble relationship with meteorite.


This collection is magnetic meteorite. With a weight of 296g, meteorites are fragments from other celestial bodies in the solar system outside the earth, most of which come from asteroids between Mars and Jupiter, and a few from the moo//www.58yuanyou.comn and Mars. The value of meteorites lies not only in whether they are meteorites or not. Thousands of meteorites land on the earth every year, most of them are in places with few people such as deserts and oceans. The value of meteorite depends on its composition and structure. It needs to be tested scientifically. If it //www.58yuanyou.comcontains rare or undiscovered elements or its molecular structure is special, it has high scientific research value.



As the saying goes, "foreign monks can recite ures", and foreign rocks are also popular. A small meteorite in the market can already be as expensive as gold. There are also a group of people in the market. They are professional meteorite hunters, also called star hunters. In China, their job is to look for meteorites in the mountains, forests and Gobi deserts, and sell them at high prices for huge profits. The process of treasure hunt is full of dangers, but the story of overnight wealth constantly exerts temptation. Recently, a meteorite fell in downtown Russia, which attracted more attention. Cold front director of Zhengda international in Hong Kong said that the market price of meteorites has been rising all the way because of their scientific research value and "rare things are precious".



At present, the owner of the collection wants to associate this rare treasure with the people who are destined for it. You are welcome to visit our company for appreciation. The majority of collectors can also learn the details through the art database on our company's official website and Yachang's official website.


文章标题: 梦见磁铁石

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiemeng/158773.html
