these are是什么意思


these are是什么意思



1. principle/'prsapl/ vs principal/'prnsapl/

两个单词的拼写极其相似,甚至读音也没有差别。第一个 principle的意思是原则,规章削度;而第二个 principal,注意词尾的是pal,它则经常用来表示校长的意思。这个principal pal结尾的 principal还有形容词形式,表示主要的,最重要的。比如说,The reason for this omission is the lack of time.造成这次疏忽的最主要的原因在于时间短缺 虽然读法写法相近,但是意思可不一样嗅。大家可以这样来记,pal是 friend的意思嘛,pal结尾的这个是人-校长。那另外//www.58yuanyou.com一个就是原则啦。

2. angel/eind l/Vs angle/engl

在读音上,大家可以很明显地听出来这是两个单词。但是写法上估计大家会常常弄错,因为这两个单词的差别仅仅是最后的两个字母交换了位置罢了。Ange大家都知道了,天使的意思。而这个 Angle它的意思是角度。既可以指我们数学里面的角度,也可以拓展看来,表示我们看待问题的角度,比如说啊, We need a new angle for our next advertising campaign.我们下一期的推广宣传方面需要一个新的角度。爱看美剧的同学还可能会经常听到一下这句话: What s your angle?难道这里要翻译成“你的角度是什么吗?”,显然不是。这句话的意思是,你的目的是什么?

these are是什么意思

3. vision/vin/vs version/v3: n/or/v3: 3/

曾经有同学问我,那个 vision不是没有r吗,为什么会读成 version呢?我愣了ー下之后才反应过来他说的是 version这个单词。Vision是视觉的意思,比如说 Cats have a good night vision。猫有夜视能力。而这个 version就是版本的意思,比如说啊 She gave us her version of what had happened that day.关于昨天发生的事,她描述了她看到的版本。这两个单词因为词汇相近,都以sion结尾,而且都是V开头,长短也差不多,因此有好些同学都会弄混。大家看看 vision中两个让面的点,像不像两个眼睛。眼睛-视力,另外一个就是 version-版本啦。

4. scare/skee(r)/vs scarce/skees/

Sare这个词大家一定都不陌生了这也就是导致了大家听到 scarce这个单词的时候,可能下子听不出来是另外一个单词,毕意他们就差在一个尾音上面。Scre我就不多说了,恐俱,惊吓的意思。值得一提的是它还有一个名词的形式,估计大家碰到的比较少。比如you gave me a scare! t你吓了我一跳这里的Care就是这个单词的名词形式。而sare就是指稀少的意思,比如说 ood was becoming scarce。食物变的短缺大家下次听听力,或者是和别人交流的时候,可不要太快做反应啦

5, bald /b ld/vs, bold/bold/

ん/和/u/的发音区别,如果是平时没有注意过这两个音标的发音的语,要区分起来就会比较田难了。这个bald发的是/s/的音,表示的是光头的意思。而这个bold发的则是/u/的音,表示勇敗的,。比如 T原由网he wine made him bold enough to approach her.酒精让他足够勇放去靠近他的心上人。同时bold还有字体中相体的意思

these are是什么意思

6, abroad /o bro d/vs, aboard/o d/


abroad表示到国外、国外。例如: He was famous, both at home and abroad.他在国内外知名度都很高。第二个 aboard,常用的表达是 Welcome aboard!"欢迎乘机/乘船/乘车”“欢迎加入我们公司/团队”都可以用这个表达特别注意下表示“出国”“在国外”意思的 abroad,它本身就是副词,所以如果你想说出国旅行,就直接说 travel abroad,不要再加to( travel to abroad)咯!

7. affect/efekt/vs effect /r'fekt/

两个词的意思都跟影响有关。affect只有动词词性,effect有名词和动词词性。我们常用的是efct的名词词性。How will these changes affect us?这些改变会如何影响我们?We have to learn to distinguish between cause and effect.我们要学会区分因果effect作动词是非常 formale的用法,表示是某事发生,比如 These drugs can sometimes

effect miraculous cures.(//e o(//e ur/vs ensure/mn ue()//n o: ()//mn ur/

these are是什么意思

他们是长得很像的两个动词。如果去搜英汉字典,你会发现 assure的意思是“保证", ensure的意思是“以保证”“确保”。看完中文解释怎

么感觉差不多?!都说了n次啦,尽量不要看英汉字典,因为你看的是部译!要习惯用英英字典,因为你需要的是解释。看了英英字典,你会发现 .assure p的意思是: to tell somebody that something is definitely

true,可以理解为 promise。Ensure的意思是 to make sure that something happens or is definite,可以理解为 make sure。这样两个单词的意思差别就清楚了。

9. compliment/omplrment//ka mplrment/

vs complement/kpmplrment/ka mplrment/


先说知名度可能稍高一点的 Compliment,名词和动词下意思都是赞美、表扬。比如She complimented him on his excellent German.她称赞了他出色的德语。You understand the problem because you're so much older!i'll take that as a compliment!'我就当你这句话是赞扬了微博 而 complement,换成了e,意思是补足、补充的意思

these are是什么意思

The team needs players who complement each other.团队需要互补的成员。Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.米饭配咖喱最棒。

10. context/'kpntekst//ka ntekst/VS contest/'kdntest//ka: ntest/

context是名词,表示上下文、背景、环境、语境的意思。比如It is important that we put his decision into the context of history.我们应该把这个决定放在历史环境中去看。You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the context.你应该能根据上下文猜出这个单词的意思。contest这个词就有点 tricky啦,它有名词和动词的词性,意思都和"比赛”“竞赛”相关,但是,两个词性下 contest发音不同,注意重音位置和第一音节元音的变化 ,比如a talent contest/ contest/ ka ntestオ艺大赛 Three candidates contested/ ken test/the leadership.三名候选人参加了角逐。

11. dessert/dr z3: t/vs desert/dezet/

dessert甜品, desert沙漠,这两个词从初中我们就开始区分了吧。

Desert作原由网动词表示丢开,抛弃的意思。比如Donr' t worry--Iwon' t desert you.表担心,我不会抛弃你贴也可以表示突然丧失某种特质或者技巧,比如:Her courage seemed to desert her for a moment

these are是什么意思

12. wonder /wnde()/vs wander/ wonde()//wa: ndar/

wonder的动词和名词词性都很常用。动词表示对.感到好奇、感到诧异、想弄明白。比如: I wonder who she is.她是谁呢?She wondered at her own stupidity她的都惊到自己了。Wonder做名词表示看到了与众不同或者特别美的、特别奇怪的东西的时候的惊奇or赞叹,还有奇迹、奇观。He retained a childlike sense of wonder.他保留了孩童般的对事物的惊奇感。the Seven Wonders of the World世界七大奇迹wander作动词常用在我们的卡片题中,表示漫步,闲连。例如 She wandered aimlessly around the streets.她漫无目的的在街上闲逛。同时 wander也有名词词性,也表示类似的意思,例如: I went to the park and had a wander around.我去公园散了个步。


61. While gap years are increasingly popular, they continue to be rather controversial because the benefits are difficult to quantify

62. Supporters of gap years argue that the skills learned outweigh the disadvantages

63. With this world in such economic turmoil, many of us face difficult choices in managing our money.

64. Advocates of saving often point out that, without a reserve of funds for emergencies, unemployment or illness, people are putting themselves at risk of hardship or even bankruptcy.

65. Saving is a sensible precaution in a world where the future is uncertain.

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66. It is sometimes said that tourism improves international relations because it encourages the flow of money from wealthy to less developed countries

67. I do not agree that all criminals should be separated from society. Juvenile and minor offenders can be punished through fines, community service or other non- custodial means

68. Many video games feature aggressive or warlike characters, ranging from soldiers to criminals and killers. This inevitably leads children to believe that such behavior is normal, or even desirable

69 Cybercrime is a cause of widespread concern today, as so many people use technology to store and transmit sensitive data

70. We should raise awareness of the risks among the elderly and the very young two groups who are often specifically targeted -via publicity and public education.

these are是什么意思


Happy English原由网 School

海派英语学校(Happy English School),是一家专业从事雅思、托福、初中英语、高中英语、留学等内容的机构,海派区别于任何一家机构,我们的专一性,成就了我们的专业性。海派创始人和团队骨干全部为海归,具有丰富的教学经验。本中心地理位置优越,拥有优质的教学资源和时尚、现代的教学环境

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