潜C 造句

潜C 造句

潜C 造句


潜C 造句

What's Wrong With This Picture?/以下的图里都有什么操作性失误?

潜C 造句

题一: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Her BCD is unclipped/BCD没扣好

B. Her mask is still on/面镜没取下来

C. She took her regulator out of her mouth/把调节器从嘴里取出来了

D. The diver in the background may be too close to the diver on the ladder/E. A & B/后面的潜水员离梯子上的潜水员太近了

题二: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Camera lens is covered/相机镜头上还有罩子盖着

B. Walking around the deck with fins on and both hands full/在甲板上带着脚蹼走路,并且www.58yuanyou.com两只手拿满了东西

C. Equipment is not stowed properly/设备还都没有组装好

D. All of the above/以上全部

题三: What原由网 dive safety prawww.58yuanyou.comctice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Weights not secured properly/负重袋没有装好

B. BCD doesn't fit/BCD没有调到合适的位置

C. Not wearing a wetsuit/没有穿湿衣

D. None of the above/以上都不是

题四: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A.No room for improvement/没有不对的地方

B. Mask on forehead/面罩戴在额头上

C. Regulator not in his mouth/调节器不在嘴里

D. B & C

题五: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A.Regulator is not in mouth/调节器不在嘴里

B. Poor execution of a giant stride/入水方式不对

C.Tank is not secured/气瓶不安全

D. Diver can't swim/潜水员不会游泳

题六: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Fill tank/补充气瓶

B. Remove bungee/去掉松紧绳

C. Tighten high pressure line/拉紧高压喉管

D. Attach first stage of regulator/调整调节器

题七: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Wearing wetsuit on the deck/在甲板上穿湿衣

B. Mask not properly rinsed/面罩没有适当的冲洗

C. Dive computer on wrong wrist/潜水电脑表戴在错的手上

D. Gear not stowed properly/装备没有合理归置

题八: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Tank is loose/气瓶松了

B. Mask flooded/面罩进水

C. Entanglement/被绳子缠住了

D.All of the above/以上全部

题九: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Mask on forehead/面罩戴在额头上

B原由网. Hoses tangled/软管打结

C. Inflator hose unreachable/进气管在背后

D. All of the above/以上全部

题十: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方QAENtdldAw面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Exiting water with mask on forehead/出水时面罩戴在额头上

B. Exiting water without the regulator in his mouth/出水时调节器不在嘴里

C. Gear is not streamlined/设备安装不够流线

D. A & B

题十一: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Mask on the back of the head/面罩戴在了头后面

B. Not paying attention during the dive briefing/在做潜水简报时不认真

C. Barefoot divers/潜水员光脚

D. A & B

题十二: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Regulator not in mouth/调节器不在嘴里

B. Mask falling off/面罩脱离了

C. It's usually best to use surface signals when on the surface/在水面上时最好用SMB

D. All of the above/以上全部

题十三: What dive safety practice could be improved?/图里的潜水员应该加强哪方面的潜水安全意识

潜C 造句

A. Tank not properly secured/气瓶不安全

B. BCD is too large/BCD太大

C. Mask on forehead/面罩戴在额头上

D. Photographer is taking pictures instead of helping his buddy/摄影师为了拍照而不帮助他的Buddy

E. All of the above/以上全部



潜C 造句



文章标题: 潜C 造句

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/99914.html
