



l 规则动词和不规则动词:



l Regular VerbsandIrregular Verbs

A regular verb (also known as a weak verb) forms its past tense and past participle by adding -d or -ed (or in some cases -t) to the base form: "We finished the project."

An irregular verb (also known as a strong verb) doesn't form the past tense by adding -d or -ed: "Gus atethe wrapper on his candy bar."

l 及物动词和不及物动词

及物动词,后面紧跟一个直接宾语。例如sellShe sells seashells.

不及物动词:后面不能直接跟宾语。例如sat这个动词:He sat there quietly.



l Transitive VerbsandIntransitive Verbs

Atransitive verb is followed by adirect object: "Shesellsseashells."

Anintransitive verb doesn't take a direct object: "Hesatthere quietly."

(This distinction is especially tricky because many verbs have both transitive and intransitive functions.)


l 短语动词和介词动词

短语动词,是由一个主动词(一般表示行为、运动),加上一个介词副词(就是兼做介词、副词,一般表示方向和位置,这样的副词),例如tear offpull through

介词动词,由一个动词加一个介词构成,但它的意义不同于该动词,比如send(派送)和send for(派人去请);rely(信任)和rely on(依赖)。


l a phrasal verb and a prepositional verb

A phrasal verb (such astear offorpull through) is made up of a main verb (usually one of action or movement) and aprepositional adverb--also known as anadverbialparticle(of direction or location).

A prepositional verb (such assend fororrely on) is anidiomaticexpression that combines a main verb and aprepositionto make a new verb with a distinct meaning.


l 助动词和主动词

助动词出现在句中主要动词前面,主要指havedowill;它和主动词一起构成一个动词词组(verb phrase;它又称为“helping verbs”,这个称呼很形象——帮助主要动词,体现出动词的时态、人称、否定等变化。

主要动词,又叫实义动词(lexical verbs,顾名思义,它决定动词词组的主要意思。

助动词的错用、漏用,是初学者最容易犯的错误。即便是学习英语很久的人,也很难达到自动化的熟练程度。这跟我们母语思维的顽固影响有关。例如这样的说法:I not like this movie.

l auxiliary verbsand main verbs

An auxiliary verb (also known as ahelping verb) is a verb (such ashave, do, orwill) that may come before the main verb in a sentence. Together the auxiliary verb and the main verb form averb phrase.

A main verb (also known as alexical verborfull verb) is any verb that isn't an auxiliary verb. The main verb conveys the meaning in a verb phrase.


l 动态动词和状态动词




再举一个例子:I know him,这是指我认识他这样一个状态;如果要表达我结识了他,即从不认识到认知之间的切换,我们必须说I get to know him

l dynamic verbsand stative verbs

A dynamic verb (such asrun, ride, grow, throw) is primarily used to indicate an action, process, or sensation.

In contrast, a stative verb (such asbe, have, seem, know) is primarily used to describe a state or situation.

(Because the boundary between dynamicWNalmBgE and stative verbs can be fuzzy, it's generally more useful to talk of dynamic and stativemeaningandusage.)


l 限定动词和非限定动词




l finite verb and a non-finite verb?

A finite verb shows agreement with a subject and is marked fortense. (If there's just one verb in a sentence, it's finite.)

A non-finite verb (also called averbal) doesn't show a distinction in tense and can't stand alone as the main verb in a sentence.


l 使役动词、链接动词和连系动词


链接动词,后面总是和其他动词一起构成一个完整的动词系列,例如deserve总是加to do;又如这个句子:Wepromised to agree to try practicing playing tennis more often.这里面的promiseagree总是接不定式;trypractice总是接动名词。独佳英语提供的最常见常用动词句型表,归纳了300多个这样的动词。


l Causative verbsCatenative verbsand Copular verbs

Causative verbs, for example, show that some person or thing helps to make something happen.

Catenative verbs join with other verbs to form a chain or series.

Copular verbs link the subject of a sentence to its complement.


l 施为动词、反复动词和引述动词

施为动词,可以看作是专指口头行为的动词。比如promise, invite, apologize, predict, vow, request, warn, insist, forbid这类动词。

反复动词,又称为频率动词、习惯动词,即表示重复动作的动词。英语中这类原由网动词多以-er结尾,如(chatter, patter, stutter);以及-le结尾原由网,如babble, cackle, rattle

引述动词,是指那些引出间接引语的动词,例如say, tell, believe, reply, respond, or ask

这组区分看似和句法关系不大(除了reporting verbs),但是对动词分类记忆,还是很有帮助的。例如stammer,假如不认识,我们大体可以推测出它跟说有关(stammer:结结巴巴地说)。

l performative verbs, iteratives, and reporting verbs

Aperformative verb is a verbthat explicitly conveys the kind of speech actwww.58yuanyou.combeing performed—such as promise, invite, apologize, predict, vow, request, warn, insist, and forbid. Also known as speech-act verb or performative utterance.

An iterative is a verb or verb form indicating that an action is (or was) repeated. Also called frequentative, habitual verb, iterative activity, and iterative aspect.In English grammar, several verbs ending in -er (chatter, patter, stutter) and -le (babble, cackle, rattle) suggest repeated or habitual action.

Areporting verb is a verb (such as say, WNalmBgEtell, believe, reply, respond, or ask) used to indicate that discourse is being quoted or paraphrased. It's also called a communication verb.


文章标题: 用ate造句

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/92531.html
