

















Deep minds for hire

A hybrid startup offers AI services to business

Not only Google and Facebook should have access to AI, it argues

Jun 22nd 2017

1 BOSSES are more likely to groan than feel giddy about advances in artificial intelligence (AI). They need a strategy, but few companies can hope to own a unit like Google’s Deep Mind, whose algorithms not only beat the world’s best Go players but made a 40% improvement in the energy efficiency of its parent’s data centres. A Canadian startup, Element AI, wants to let all businesses tap into the world’s best AI minds.

2 The brain behind the new firm is Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in “deep learning”, a branch of AI. As firms such as Google and Facebook lured dozens of AI原由网 academics, some in the field expressed fears about a brain drain from academia. In 2015, for example, Uber, a ride-hailing startup, poached 40 researchers from Carnegie Mellon University. Mr Bengio meanwhile stayed at the University of Montreal (though in January he became an adviser to Microsoft).

3 Element AI will let researchers stay in their university posts while working on corporate projects. It plans, in effect, to build an AI platform on which a network of member firms (in which it may take stakes) can serve other companies. These member firms will tap Element AI’s brain trust and license its technical platform. This month the startup raised $102m of capital from backers including Intel and Nvidia, two chip giants.

4 Its system addresses a shortcoming of many AI applications. Individual firms are awash with data but may not have enough to train AI models. Element AI’s network will be able to share algorithmic learning from all the data they crunch, enabling better performance than they would achieve using only one client’s data. For example, an oil major might want to use image-recognition to identify corrosion on its pipes. Element AI could develop a system to spot it and predict the likelihood of a leak, to rank which pipes get fixed first. If the client lacks images to train the algorithm, Element AI’s work in an adjacent area—say, corrosion on railway tracks—could be used.

5 Jean-Franois Gagn, Element AI’s boss, says that the company aims to “democratise” AI by making state-of-the-art technology available to companies well beyond the main technology giants. “We are a neutral player you can trust,” he argues. But it is notoriously hard to move techniques from the research lab into real-life applications.

6 If AI does become the bedrock of corporate technology, there should be room for several models. Big consultancies are already believers and have begun acquiring data-analytics firms themselves. Element AI’s approach is promising. But the McKinsey of AI may yet turn out to be McKinsey itself.




大意:Element AI公司计划将AI技术应用于商业领域。

Para1:人工智能给众多老板带来的更多是叹息。几乎没有哪家能够拥有像谷歌旗下Deep Mind公司那样的人工智能技术。一家新成立的加拿大公司,想要让所有的企业都能够利用到世界上最好的人工智能技术。

Para2:大量的AI技术人员流向Google 和Facebook等公司。优步公司从卡内基梅隆大学偷猎了40名研究人员。Bengio尽管还在蒙特丽尔大学学习,但在1月份他已经成为微软的顾问。

Para3: Element AI公司将会让研究者在进行合作项目时,仍然待在学校里。它计划建立一个AI平台,使成员公司都能利用其资源。本月该公司从其赞助商英特尔和英伟达两大芯片巨头公司筹集了1.02亿美元的资金。

Para.4:许多AI应用中存在缺陷。而Element AI公司能够共享算法学习,保证更好的服务。

Para.5: 真正实现这个构想还是存在一些困难。

Para.6:已经有几家大的咨询公司,开始着手成立数据分析公司了。Element AI公司的做法是有希望的。


1 BOSSES are more likely to groan(groan about抱怨,比complain更准确,因为这是个拟声词)than feel giddy about advances in artificial intelligence (AI). They need a strategy, but few companies can hope to own a unit like Google’s Deep Mind, whose algorithms not only beat the world’s best Go players but made a 40% improvement in the energy efficiency of its parent’s data centres. A Canadian startup, Element AI, wants to let all businesses tap into(利用之意,类似地还有utilize, make use of)the world’s best AI minds.


1). groan[rn]: to make a long deep sound because you are annoyed, upset or in pain, or with pleasure 呻吟;叹息;哼哼

2). giddy[di]: feeling that everything is moving and that you are going to fall 头晕的;眩晕的

3). algorithm ['l.g.r.m]:a set of mathematical instructions that must be followed in a fixed order, and that, especially if given to a computer, will help to calculate an answer to a mathematical problem (尤指电脑使用的)演算法,计算程式

4). startup:a company that is just beginning to operate, especially an Internet company 刚成立的公司,新企业(尤指互联网公司)

5) tap 利用,采用〔思想、经验、知识等〕:

Your adviser's experience is there to be tapped.


helping people tap into training opportunities


2 The brain behind the new firm is Yoshua Bengio, a pioneer in “deep learning”, a branch of AI. As firms such as Google and Facebook lured dozens of AI academics, some in the field expressed fears about a brain drain from academia. In 2015, for example, Uber, a ride-hailing startup, poached 40 researchers from Carnegie Mellon University. Mr Bengio meanwhile stayed at the University of Montreal (though in January he became an adviser to Microsoft).


6). lure[ l(r) ]: to persuade or trick sb to go somewhere or to do sth by promising them a reward 劝诱;引诱;诱惑

7). drain[dren]: to make sth empty or dry by removing all the liquid from it; to become empty or dry in this way 排空;(使)流光;放干

8). poach[pt]: to take and use sb/sth that belongs to sb/sth else, especially in a secret, dishonest or unfair way 盗用;挖走(人员等)

3 Element AI will let researchers stay in their university posts while working on corporate projects. It plans, in effect, to build an AI platform on which a network of member firms (in which it may take stakes) can serve other companies. These member firms will tap(利用 ‹resources, skills›,这里是及物动词)Element AI’s brain trust and license its technical platform. This month the startup raised $102m of capital from backers including Intel and Nvidia, two chip giants.


9). post[pst]: a job, especially an important one in a large organization 职位;(尤指)要职

10). backer[bk(r)]: a person or company that gives support to sb/sth, especially financial support 支持者;资助者;赞助人

11). ggvltrFFFiant[dant]: a very large and powerful organization 大公司;强大的组织

12)license 许可,授权,特许

•[+ to infinitive] Several companies have been licensed to sell these products.一些公司获得了这些产品的销售许可。

4 Its system addresses a shortcoming of many AI applications. Individual firms are awash with data but may not have enough to train AI models. Element AI’s network will be able to share algorithmic learning from all the data they crunch, enabling better performance than they would achieve using only one client’s data. For example, an oil major might want to use image-recognition to identify corrosion on its pipes. Element AI could develop a system to spot it and predict the likelihood of a leak, to rank which pipes get fixed first. If the client lacks images to train the algorithm, Element AI’s work in an adjacent area—say, corrosion on railway tracks—could be used.


13) adress a shortcoming解决缺点,这里的address是熟词生义,解决之义。

14)awash|w| adjective (只能做表语)

1. (flooded) 被淹没的 (washed over) 被漫过的

2. (having too much, too many) 充斥的

The resort is awash with tourists.这处旅游胜地客//www.58yuanyou.com满为患。

15). crunch[krnt]:to deal with large amounts of data very quickly (快速大量地)处理信息;数字捣弄

16). image-recognition: 图像识别

17). corrosion[krn]: the gradual destruction of metal by the effect of water, chemicals etc or a substance such as rust produced by this proces腐蚀; 侵蚀

18). adjacent[desnt]: next to or near sth 与…毗连的;邻近的

19). spot[spt]:to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do so 看见;看出;注意到;发现

5 Jean-Franois Gagn, Element AI’s boss, says that the company aims to “democratise” AI by making state-of-the-art technology available to companies well beyond the main technology giants. “We are a neutral player you can trust,” he argues. But it is notoriously hard to move techniques from the research lab into real-life applications.


20). democratize[d'mk.r.taz]: to make countries or organizations use democratic ways of making decisions 使(国家或组织)民主化

21). notoriously: adv.著名地,众所周知地;臭名昭著地

6 If AI does become the bedrock of corporate technology, there should be room for several models. Big consultancies are already believers and have begun acquiring data-analytics firms themselves. ElgvltrFFFement AI’s approach is promising. But the McKinsey of AI may yet turn out to be McKinsey itself.


22). bedrock[bedrk] a strong base for sth, especially the facts or the principles on which it is based 牢固基础

23). consultancy[knsltnsi]: a company that gives expert advice on a particular subject to other companies or organizations 咨询公司


1. Element AI’s network will be able to share algorithmic learning from all the data they crunch, enabling better performance than they would achieve using only one client’s data.

翻译:Element AI公司将会把他们收集到的所有数据进行处理,然后与大家共享算法学习。与从单一客户获得的数据相比,Element AI公司将保证他们(Individual firms)能够得到更好的服务。

2. Element AI could develop a system to spot it and predict the likelihood of a leak, to rank which pipes get fixed first.

翻译:Element AI公司能够开发一个系统来检测和预测哪些地方会出现渗漏,然乎安排维修的先后次序。


1. _________ be more likely to

2. _________groan about

3. _________feel giddy about

4. _________tap into the world’s best AI minds.

5. _________in effect

6. _________build an AI platform (后面往往加上一个where定从)

7. _gvltrFFF________tap Element AI’s brain trust

8. _________license its technical platform

9. _________address a shortcoming

10. _________be awash with

11. _________the likelihood of

12. _________become the bedrock of (类似的还有stepping stone)


1. BOSSES are more likely to groan than feel giddy about advances in artificial intelligence (AI).

a. 赏析:首先提取句子主干,“BOSSES are groan than feel giddy”不难发现,这是一个比较级的句型。但是文中加上了“be likely to”,以及about后面的宾语补足语成分,使整个句子的内容更加饱满。

b. 仿写:An airline spokesman said poor weather was more likely to have been a factor in the crash than the condition of the plane.(一名航空公司发言人说飞机失事的决定因素更大的可能是因为恶劣的天气而不是飞机的状态。)

2. As firms such as Google and Facebook lured dozens of AI academics, some in the field expressed fears about a brain drain from academia.

a. 赏析:brain drain“人才流失”。随着各项新兴技术的不断发展和出现, 技术人才的地位日益重要。因此防止人才流失,也成为了各大企业进行管理的重要任务之一。

b. 仿写:In business circles, the lack of women at the top is described as a "brain drain" and a crisis of "talent retention.(商圈的金字塔尖缺少女性,无异于“人才流失”和一种“才能停滞”危机。)

3. Element AI will let researchers stay in their university posts while working on corporate projects.

a. 赏析:post一词,我们很常见,用作动词时表示“邮寄”,比如“post a leeter”;用作“张贴”,比如“sth be posted on the wall(东西被贴在墙上)”。但是在文中用法属于熟词僻义,指“职位”。这样的用法并不需要我们刻意去记忆,只要在平时的阅读中加以积累即可。

b. 仿写:He has held the post for three years. (他担任这个职务已经三年了。)

4. But it is notoriously hard to move techniques from the research lab into real-life applications.

a. 赏析:move techniques from the research lab into real-life applications,是一个很常用的表达,意为“把这项技术从实验研究应用到现实生活”。我们可以提炼出改进的主要内容,作为句子模版,写作时根据具体内容填充完整。句式“It is +adj. to move sth from…into….”

b. 仿写:It is ridiculous for you to move your dream from thinking into reality without hardworking. (你不努力工作,就想着让梦想有想法变为现实,这太可笑了。)












文章标题: 丽尔组造句

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/wenzhang/178661.html
