

在英文中,"求婚"可用pop the question,eXnquRIFTmask for someone's hand in marriage,以及propose to someone等短语来表达。比如:


Stuart got serious quickly and popped the question six months later. 斯图尔特很快认真起来,6个月之后便求婚了。Stuart asked for her hand six months later.斯图尔特6个月后就向她求婚了。


Stuart proposed to her 3 weeks after their first date.斯图尔特在他们初次约会三周后向她求婚了。


A prenuptial agreement or premarital agreement, commonly abbreviated to prenup or prenupt, is a contract entered into prior to marriage, civil union or any other agreement prior to the main agreement by the people intending to marry or contract with each other.婚前协议(prenuptial agreement),通常缩写为prenup或prenupt,指有意成婚或者托付彼此的人在结婚、民事结合(即同性结婚)或者正式注册之前签署的一份协议。


The content of a prenuptial agreemeeXnquRIFTmnt can vary widely, but commonly includes provisions for division of property and spousal support in the event of divorce or breakup of marriage. They may also include terms for the forfeiture of assets as a result of divorce on the grounds of adultery, further conditions of guardianship may be included as well.婚前协议的内容可能不尽相同,但是普遍都包括离婚或婚姻破裂时财产分配以及配偶赡养方面的条款。有时可能还会包括因通奸而导致离婚时财产没收以及对于监护权的进一步要求等条款。


There are two types of prenuptial agreements: marriage contract for people who are married or about to be married, and cohabitation agreement for unmarried couples. A variation for people who are already married is a postnuptial agreement, also called a postmarital agreement.婚前协议分为两种:已婚夫妇或将婚夫妇签署的婚姻协议,以及未结婚伴侣签署的同居协议。已婚夫妇签署的协议也叫做postnuptial agreement或者postmarital agreement。

"结婚"的英文表达最简单的就是A marries/weds B,比如,Zhou Xun marries boyfriend Gao Shengyuan。其他常用的表达还有,to tie the knot, to walk down the aisle, to get hitched等。


To tie the knot(喜结连理)至少在13世纪就用来表示"结婚"的意思了,knot在很多文化中都被视为"坚不可摧的承诺"之意。


To walk down the aisle(踏上红毯)则指举行婚礼时,新娘由家人陪伴走过红毯,来到新郎身旁,然后举行仪式。To get hitched(拴在一起)更形象地表现了婚姻中两个人的关系,两个人是拴在一起的。




1. Her parents wanted nothing more than to marry her off to a doctor.她父母一心想把她嫁给一个医生。


2. Because of her beauty she has managed to marry above her.由于貌美,她得以嫁给一个地位比她高的人。


3. He married beneath himself, but he is happy.他娶了一个地位比他低的女人,但是他很幸福。


4. Sally wanted some time to consider Sam's proposal of marriage; she had heard the saying, "Marry in haste, and repent at leisure."莎莉需要一些时间来考虑山姆的求婚,她听过那句谚语:结婚太急,后悔莫及。


5. She was able to marry her way out of poverty.她通过嫁人摆脱了穷困。


6. She tried everything to marry into money.为了嫁入豪门,她想尽了办法。


7. Many girls want to marry into the purple.很多女孩都想嫁入豪门。


8. He wishes one day he could marry a fortune that can help him in the career.他梦想有一天能娶个富家女,在事业上帮他一把。


9. They are going to have shotgun marriage next week.他们下周要结婚了,是奉子成婚。


10. Cyber love, one-night stand, speed dating and flash marriage have been common in big cities.



[形婚 marriage of convenience]A marriage of convenience is a marriage contracted for reasons other than the reasons of relationship, family, or love. Instead, such a marriage is orchestrated for personal gain or some other sort of strategic purpose, such as political marriage. In the cases when it represents a fraud, it is called sham marriage.形婚指不是因为恋爱、家庭或爱情而结合的婚姻,即"形式婚姻",简称"形婚"。这种婚姻安排是出于个人利益或者某些策略考虑,比如政治婚姻。如果某些形婚意在欺诈,那就叫假结婚(sham marriage)。


Another common reason for marriages of convenience is to hide one partner's homosexuality in cases where being openly gay is punishable or potentially detrimental. A 原由网sham marriage of this type, known as the lavender marriage, may thus creaeXnquRIFTmte the appearance of heterosexuality. Such marriages may have one heterosexual and one gay pa原由网rtner, or two gay partners: a lesbian and a gay man married to each other. In the case where a gay man marries a woman, the woman is said to be his "beard". 另一个常见的形婚理由是在公开同性恋者可能会被惩罚或伤害的情况下,隐瞒其中一方的同性恋倾向。这种虚假婚姻被称为薰衣草婚姻,有了这种婚姻就可以制造异性恋的假象了。这类婚姻中可能有一方是异性恋,一方是同性恋,也有可能男女双方都是同性恋。如果男方为同性恋,与其结婚的女方就被称为是他的"胡子"。


[快餐式婚姻 fast-food marriage]Marriages in modern society are like French fries produced on restaurant assembly lines, coming and going in the twinkle of an eye. There is flash marriage and flash divorce. Young men and women may get married soon after their first date, and then file for divorce not long after the wedding. Marriage is treated like a game. Getting married and divorced is just like having a meal in a fast-food restaurant, that's where the term "fast-food marriage" comes from.现代人的婚姻就像快餐厅里流水线上生产出来的薯条一样,可以来去迅速。说穿了,就是我们平常所说 的"闪婚"、 "闪离"。有些青年男女可能认识不久就结婚,结婚没多长时间又离婚,把婚姻视同儿戏。结婚、离婚如吃快餐一样快,这就是我们所说的"快餐式婚姻"。


[格差婚 status-gap marriage]A "status-gap marriage" is one in which there is a clear gap in income, pedigree, social status, etc. between the husband and wife. The phrase usually refers to marriages in which a woman marries "beneath herself". 格差婚指夫妻双方在收入、家庭条件、社会地位等方面相差悬殊的婚姻,多指女方"下嫁"的情况。


[新手婚姻 starter marriage]A starter marriage is a first marriage that lasts five years or less and ends without the couple having any children together. The term, a play on the expression "starter home", appears as one of the footnotes in Douglas Coupland's 1991 novel Generation X. However, published usage of the term grew significantly after the publication of Pamela Paul's 2002 book The Starter Marriage and the Future of Matrimony.Starter marriage("起步婚姻"或"新手婚姻")指双方初婚、婚姻持续时间不到五年且没有子女的婚姻。这个表达由starter home(首次置业)演变而来,初现于(加拿大小说家)道格拉斯柯普兰1991年的小说《X世代》的脚注中。不过,这个表达在出版物中大量使用则是在帕米拉保罗2002年的著作《新手婚姻与婚姻生活的未来》出版之后。


[同性婚姻 gayriage] Gayriage refers to marriage to a person of the same sex. When two men get "married", it is a gayriage, while marriage between a woman and a woman is a lesriage.Gayriage指的是两个性别相同的人结成的婚姻。两个男人结婚,这种婚姻就叫gayriage,而两个女人结成的婚姻,就叫lesriage。

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文章标题: 我会和你结婚的英文怎么说

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/jiqiao/231160.html
