


DDOS是什么意思?其实DDOS就是DDOS攻击,是一种技术。DDOS全称为Distributed Denial of Service,中文名为分布式拒绝服务攻击,是一种常见的服务器攻击技术。

DDOS攻击的原理DDOS攻击最初被人们成为DOS(Denial of Service)攻击,DOS攻击的原理是:你有一台服务器,我有一台个人电脑,我就用我的个人电脑想你的服务器发送大量的垃圾信息,拥堵你的网络,并加大你处理数据的负担,降低服务器CPU和内存的工作效率。


随着科技的告诉发展,类似DOS这样一对一的攻击已经起不了什么作用了,于是DDOS—分布式拒绝服务攻击诞生了,其原理和DOS相同,不同之处在于DDOS攻击是多对一进行攻击,甚至达到数万台个人电脑在同一时间一DOS攻击的方式攻击一台服务器,最终导致被攻击的服务器瘫痪。DDOS攻击的方式DDOS攻击是目前市面上最常用、最热的攻击方式,其攻击的方法有很多,常用的有以下三种:SYN/ACK Flood攻击:这种攻击方法是经典最有效的DDOS攻击方法,可通杀各种系统的网络服务,主要是通过向受害主机发送大量伪造源IP和源端口的SYN或ACK包,导致主机的缓存资源被耗尽或忙于发送回应包而造成拒绝服务,由于源都是伪造的故追踪起来比较困难,缺点是实施起来有一定难度,需要高带宽的僵尸主机支持。TCP全连接攻击:这种攻击是为了绕过常规防火墙的检查而设计的,一般情况下,常规防火墙大多具备过滤TearDrop、Land等DOS攻击的能力,但对于正常的TCP连接是放过的,殊不知很多网络服务程序(如:IIS、Apache等Web服务器)能接受的TCP连接数是有限的,一旦有大量的TCP连接,即便是正常的,也会导致网站访问非常缓慢甚至无法访问,TCP全连接攻击就是通过许多僵尸主机不断地与受害服务器建立大量的TCP连接,直到服务器的内存等资源被耗尽而被拖跨,从而造成拒绝服务,这种攻击的特点是可绕过一般防火墙的防护而达到攻击目的,缺点是需要找很多僵尸主机,并且由于僵尸主机的IP是暴露的,因此此种DDOS攻击方式容易被追踪。刷脚本攻击:这种www.58yuanyou.com攻击主要是针对存在ASP、JSP、PHP、CGI等脚本程序,并调用MSSQLServer、My原由网SQLServer、Oracle等数据库的网站系统而设计的,特征是和服务器建立正常的TCP连接,并不断的向脚本程序提交查询、列表等大量耗费数据库资源的调用,典型的以小博大的攻击方法。DDOS攻击对于服务器的危害非同小可,如果DDOS的攻击量太大还是租用带有高防的服务器或者高防ip。

One-on-one with the tells the development of science and technology, like DOS attack has no effect, so the DDOS - distributed denial of service attacks was born, and its principle is the same as the DOS, the difference is DDOS attack is to attack a more even reach tens of thousands of PCS at the same time the way a DOS attack against a server, eventually lead to attack paralyzed by the server. DDOS attack is the most commonly used and hottest attack method in the market at present. There are many attack methods, including the following three: SYN/ACK Flood attack: This attack method is the most effective method of DDOS attacks, classic can kill all kinds of system of network service, mainly through to the victim host sends a large number of forgery source IP, source port of the SYN and ACK packet, lead to a host of cache resources are exhausted or busy send response packet and cause denial of service, because the source is fake so as it is difficult to trace the disadvantage is that implementation has the certain difficulty, need high bandwidth zombie host support. TCP fu//www.58yuanyou.comll connection attack: this attack is designed to bypass the inspection of the conventional firwww.58yuanyou.comewall, in general, most of the conventional firewall with the ability to filter TearDrop, Land and other DOS attacks, but for the normal TCP connection is passed, but do not know many network services (such as: IIS and Apache Web server) can accept TCP connection number is limited, so once there are a large number of TCP connections, even if is normal, can also lead to site access is very slow and even don't have access to, TCP connection attack is through many zombies host constantly build a large number of TCP connections with the victim server, //www.58yuanyou.comuntil the server memory and other resources are exhausted and was dragged across, which cause the denial of service, the characteristics of this type of attack is to bypass the general firewall protection and achieve attack, defect is need to find a lot of bots, and as a result of the zombie host IP is exposed, So this kind of DDOS attack is easy to track. Brush attack: this type of attack is mainly for the ASP, JSP, PHP, and CGI , and call the MSSQLServer, MySQLServer, Oracle database website system such as designed, is characterized by establishing normal TCP connection and the server, and constantly submit a query to , such as large a list of database resource of calls, typical asymmetric attack methods. DDOS attacks can be very serious to a server. If the number of DDOS attacks is too large, rent a high-defense server or high-defense IP.


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文章标题: pcs是什么意思

文章地址: www.58yuanyou.com/baike/46576.html
