make of是什么意思


1、make much of sth/sb 重视、认为很重要

He always makes much of his humble origins.他总是非常在意他卑微的出身。这句话中makes much of his humble origins的意思是认为卑微的出身很重要。

make of是什么意思

2、make or break原由网 sth 为…成败的关键

This movie will make or break him as a director.这部电影将要决定他当导演是行还是不行。这句话中make or break him as a directorwww.58yuanyou.com的意思是他作为导演是成败的关键。

make of是什么意思

3、make for sth 向…移动、促成

Constant arguing doesn't make for a h//www.58yuanyou.comappy marriage.不断争吵不可能使婚姻幸福。这句话中make for a happy marriage的意思是使婚姻幸福。

make of是什么意思

4、make sb/sth into sb/sth 把…变成

We're making our attic into an extra bedroom.我们要把阁楼改装一下,增加一间卧室。这句话中make our attic into an extra bedroom的意思是把阁楼变成额外的卧室。

make of是什么意思

5、make sth of sb/sth 领会、理解、懂得

I can't make anything of this note.我根本不懂这封短信的意思。这句话中make anything of this note的意思是JzqQqu理解这封短信。

6、make off 匆忙离开、(尤指)仓皇逃跑

They broke free and made off in a stolen car.他们挣脱后开着一辆偷来的车尽快逃离了。这句话中made off的意思是匆忙离开。

make of是什么意思

7、make off with sth 偷走某物、顺手牵羊

The inmates are said to have madeoffwith 15 guns and ammunition.

据称这些囚犯带着15把枪和弹药逃跑了。这句话中make off with 15 guns and ammunition的意思是偷走15把枪和弹药。

make of是什么意思



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